[RELEASE] MTV_CarManufacturing | ESX [Paid Resoure]

This is a custom vehicle crafting script. Very configurable and easy to install. Includes NPC Missions to get vehicle blueprints in which you get the location of a Rival Gang that you have to take out and search the vehicle for a Configurable chance to receive a blueprint among other configurable items.

Showcase Video

** Features **

  • Configurable Reward Items
  • Easily Configurable
  • Mission NPC Location Randomizes
  • Chase down Rival Gangs
  • Configurable vehicles for crafting

** Coming Soon **

  • Skills System

** Optional Dependencies **

  • MTV_ChopShop(Coming Soon)
  • ProgBar

This is a paid resource!
This resource can be purchased on my Tebex Store.


After watching this video, the code has been taken from tiger scrapyard and only changed , but it’s good slight a bit.



There are some similarities as I used that for some ideas, such as the rotating NPC location. Glad you think its good though.

Ya it’s good Keep it up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So you took a Ready Code from T1ger and just recode that and now you are here on CFX and sell that? Wow just wow… :clap:t2:

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No I used T1ger script for one idea which was the NPC moving locations around the map otherwise I have not seen a t1ger script that does something like this. For Example in the scrapyard scrip the sole purpose is to obtain a list and steal vehicles. With this you obtain a location take out NPC’s and gather enough materials to be able to Craft/Manufacture your own vehicle.

and opod car but nice

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What do you mean @extremept

check dm

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Ya after getting some codes of other scripts this resource a good content on forums.

yes this a good exemple what deserv be here on my opinion offcourse

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interesting :grinning:

Seen 2 resources of same person getting code from MF and Tiger. Flagged

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