[Release]Model-Menu V3 [9th Oct]

thank you for your help… i appreciate it… im getting somewhere slowly

im trying to make VRP and Model-Menu live together in harmony…

EDIT: HArmony achived… thank you!!

Hi, can you explain how you make it?

keyboard, notepad and a brain


thats pretty much what it took… lol… i was forced to understand how everything work now i feel like a god since i can make a lot of things happen.

I ended later with removing everything from the ARROWS… first vrp back to F9 instead of arrowup … model-menu was already good with “E” for activating the gui so i removed my PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN back to what it was at the first place. also discovered that i dont care about the scoreboard and it was that little piece of code that triggered the LEVEL/PLAYER/WANTED LEVEL gui when ARROWUP was pushed. A “#” before that start scoreboard took care of that. I also played with the blips for both.

Im sorry for posting that here… its WAS more of a VRP framework problem.

They only thing that i wish Model-Menu would do is something like “saved config” in LAMBDAMENU. so i could spend hours customizing multiple peds and change back to one of my saved config at will while playing. i multitask persona a lot and change skins and model often! I could activate scripthook and work a trainer client-side but i want everything server side running on a clean fiveM with no asi’s and hooks. (u know, stability… and remove temtation to cheat"

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Anyway I can make this pop up on first connection?

EDIT: I’m not sure if we can use the function for that on FX server?

@Frazzle Hey man, we’re using your menu and are loving it, but for some reason when ever we load back in-game. And it loads our MP Characters, our hair is turned green. Any idea how to fix this?

Yes apparently you can


When i try to import the sql file, this is the error i keep getting… any ideas on ways to fix it?

/* SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘------ mpmodel ---------
--------- If your server spawns mp_m_freemode_01 by de’ at line 1 */

Even after editing the value of mpmodel to 1 instead of 0, it still doesnt save it for us…

Alright, fixed one to get this error now… ugh.

/* SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘modelmenumodelmenumodelmenu’ at line 1 */

I am getting this error also, If you find a fix let me know, and I will see what I can find

use this, seems to have fixed it for me. Put that in the sql.sql that came with modelmenu. Pretty much just deleted all of the comments and it stopped pushing that error. Now to figure out my other issue:

[ERROR] [] An error happens on MySQL for query "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `identifier`=@identifier; {identifier=steam:11000010029102e}": No database selected
[ERROR] [] An error happens on MySQL for query "SELECT * FROM modelmenu WHERE identifier = @identifier {@identifier=steam:11000010029102e}": No database selected
  `identifier` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `model` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a_m_m_bevhills_02',
  `percing` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `percing_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '240',
  `glasses` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `glasses_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '240',
  `helmet` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `helmet_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '240',
  `mask` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `mask_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '240',
  `head` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `hair` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `hair_colour` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `shirt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `shirt_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `hand` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `shoe` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `shoe_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pants` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pants_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `undershirt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `undershirt_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '240',
  `armour` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `armour_txt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `mpmodel` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

yay, new error’s…

[ 6476719] [ERROR] [] An error happens on MySQL for query “UPDATE modelmenu SET armour=@armour, armour_txt=@atxt, head=@head, mask=@mask, mask_txt=@mtxt, hair=@hair, hair_colour=@hcolour, shirt=@shirt, shirt_txt=@stxt, hand=@hand, shoe=@shoe, shoe_txt=@shtxt, pants=@pants, pants_txt=@ptxt, undershirt=@undershirt, undershirt_txt=@ustxt, helmet=@helmet, helmet_txt=@htxt, glasses=@glasses, glasses_txt=@gtxt, percing=@piercing, percing_txt=@petxt WHERE identifier=@user {@shoe=0;@hcolour=0;@stxt=0;@shirt=0;@ustxt=1;@undershirt=2;@mask=0;@armour=0;@shtxt=0;@htxt=0;@gtxt=0;@head=0;@helmet=0;@atxt=0;@user=steam:11000010b2729c4;@petxt=0;@glasses=240;@piercing=0;@ptxt=0;@pants=0;@hand=1;@hair=0;@mtxt=0}”: Access denied for user ‘’@‘gsne-ny500-oh’ (using password: NO)

Awesome, thanks so much @Frazzle - I just have one issue; when I respawn I get the same model but different clothing / accessories. Anyway to change that so players respawn with same exact customization’s they setup prior?!

Hey @Frazzle.
I can’t customize any PED’s, and i cant pick the orginal mp_m_freemode_01 or the female version.
Where do i change the keybindings so its not up arrow and arrow down?

Really love your menu btw

well… it was a sweet menu… now its a wall full of errors in the console… dont chu love SQL!
i can fix any lua shit but dont know jack about these sql errors.

are there different version of MySQL-ASYNC ?

@Frazzle I downloaded this, and it works perfectly, however for some reason when I become a police officer and the job changes my character skin this program overrides the new outfit and says “Model loaded”

If there a way to make it so it only reloads your model when you first login to the server only? Because when I change my clothes for a police loadout it automatically changes it back to whatever I have saved.

So i finally decided to work on this again, i have this live on my servers working fine, message me if there are any bugs :slight_smile:

what is the database?

Does version 3 not save in the database?