[Release] Lambda Menu

What about the config file

everything else is default, I’ve just added the version support.

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cool script

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how do i find fivem folder

LambdaMenu.asi (4.6 MB)

Added version:


when will someone update lambda to 3095?

LambdaMenu.asi (4.6 MB)
here updated for 3095

Is there any way for me to make the menu use arrow keys instead of the numpad? My laptop literally doesn’t have a numpad. I don’t want to follow a different forum of “buy a new keyboard idiot”, since I don’t even have money or income for that. It looks really simple to edit the config, but it literally doesn’t let me despite calling itself a config file.

I found a way, it was dorky as hell but I basically put it into a text file instead of an .xml, and then edited it, and then put it back into an .xml

Does this still work? Where is the newest update?

we maintain this voluntarily, unfortunately, i’m not able to update it at this time, maybe @SADoJ_Kuro is able to?

LambdaMenu.asi (4.6 MB)
here we go work for 3095

After i instaled lanbda menu it won’t open after presing F1

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LambdaMenu.asi (4.6 MB)

Added build 3258 to work with the new Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC.

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anyone got an update for the build 3233?

this ASI plugin does not claim to support game build 2944. If you have access to its source code, add `FX_ASI_BUILD

i have this problem