[Release] Lambda Menu

how to install this plugin on the fivem server?

Lambda is not serverside, only client-side.

I am able to open menu but i am not able to use my number pad to control the menu what should i do

I am able to open my menu but for some reason my number pad doesn’t do anything

You know that there’s a key to lock/unlock numpad, do you?

its false i tested it brooo

mine is not showing what may be the problem?

did you find a fix for this?


since the latest update the trainer didnt work for me. does anyone have the same problem?

yes me too had to take it out kept crashing my game

it does not work need help

how did you install it

I’m trying to compile the (lambda menu) source for me to use on my server but I always get a lot of errors can someone send me a working source or how to fix it?

The server you play in might not have scripthook enabled, you should ask.

Hey all.
I got a problem where i open the menu and use it for like 10 sec then it closes down for between 10-30 sec where i can use it for 10 sec again.
Anyone know how to fix it?

Hey, does anyone get a bunch of errors while building this in VS?

Its broken now for some reason!

Outdated menu, use vMenu serverside.

you should make this work with the small keyboard that dont have numpad

I tried to build the code in Visual Studio 2019 (after retargeting from VS 2017) and I am getting a lot of errors. Is Visual Studio 2019 supposed to be building it or another IDE? Could anyone grab my hand and help me? I would like to extend the menu. Thank you.