[Release] Lambda Menu

Hello same thing is happening with me I’ve Done everything and Nothing is happening Please help

By the same thing i meant it is not working for me (sorry was looking at a Different Message from the past)

help i spin around when in first person and i cant look left or right

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I can’t use the source code why? Gives me alot of errors

When will this menu be created for serverside?

@Bobblemend15 It already is… Try looking through the comments or ‘searching’ for it…

EDIT: Because I know people are lazy and probably will ask the same question as you, here is the server resource:

is there a way to make this server sided?

NVM lol Did see that till now

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How can i use lambda if scripthook is off on the server and i am admin ?

It is still working?
Im downloaded it and install it but don’t work for me.

@Misiaczeq yes, it’s working fine.

they already do

i installed the way it said toand i cant see the custom vehicals in game
like the police cars
my friend downloaded it the same way and he can see them just fine

@Indominus This menu is for the old legacy servers. It was never updated for the FX Server. That’s why I asked that question. The menu for serverside is broke. The last time it was updated was back in June of 2017. I thought with FiveM removing scripthook they would have made the lamda menu serverside by now or at least offered a version of the menu server side since they are always complaining how menus client side always are breaking the server.

This menu still works and there is a lambda menu resource… try searching the forums.

I can’t seem to get it to work. I have the .asi in user/myname/AppData/FiveM/plugins and the xml file in user/myname/AppData/FiveM, but it won’t open in game. The sever told me I needed it to use the menu so I know it’s supported.

I put my lm-config.xml in my GTA V directory as well as your FiveM folder. Also, check to see that the server you are joining enables clientside scripts, you can check in the FiveM server browser. If you have already done those steps and it still isn’t working, maybe your keyboard has function key binds? I know that some keyboards and most laptops tend to have binds on them which doesn’t exactly work well with GTA V, but this might just be me? Anyway, good luck and I hope you find a fix!

i dont have a numpad what do i do

re configure the keys in the config

whats ur discord