[RELEASE] kickForRestart

An English translation would be nice:

Also, how comes you’re checking their coords? Surely just dropping them when timer is reached would be easier, no?

thanks! :wink:

there is already an english translation included! :wink:

It checks if the player is active or not. This should solve the problem that you’re in sandy shores or something and have to walk
to the next garage. Mostly the Owner writes in chat if there is a restart to come. So you can drive to the next garage, even if he already started the resource, because it only kicks you when you do not press anything.

new Update 1.2.0 ESX

  • this update adds a command
  • adds a permissions system
  • based on esx
  • has enough place for more ideas from you! :wink:

thanks for supporting me so much! :smiley:

Download link is in Release Info :slight_smile:

new Update 1.2.1 for ESX

  • fixed the tutorial on how to use this.

Let me know If you find some Bugs and post it below! :slight_smile:

Please choose here what I should release for the next time:
Wich project should be continued?

Thanks for voting :slight_smile:
Hmmmmm I closed this poll and well, it looks like you guys want both of it. So I will finish this project, and start than with the new one :slight_smile:
Take a :hamburger:

whenever I do the command /kickall
I get this error in my console


1. What version did you have?
2. Did you have installed MySQL?
3. Have you changed Something?

I need some more Details, because I even not know what version you use.
Have a nice day! :slight_smile:

Thanks @all for 1000 views! This is amazing! I guess I need to release the next big update! :wink:

Take a :hamburger:

ESX version
MySQL is installed with async
no I havn’t touched anything
This is the path i use : C:\MainServer\resources[esx][misc]\esx_kick_restart

Don’t put it in [misc] that could cause the problem. Only put it in your [esx] folder.

If you still have this Error, make sure to clear your cache, than check in your database If you have the ‘users’ table and Look there If you are an admin on your server.

If it does not work after that, than I will make a little test server, with everything setted up new. Maybe than I will find that Error… :wink:


I just tryed to put it in [esx] only and it still do the same error
cache has been cleared too
and my server has been up since month of june so everything is setup correctly

Ok, I will write back when I got reproduced your Error.

Thanks for supporting this! :slight_smile:

Well, unfortunately I have now the same problem…

I guess it is because of the last update. I would like to fix it now, but my server needs a brake… So I will fix it in the evening.

Again, thanks for supporting! :slight_smile:

No problem, this is a great features and save alot of trouble with people loosing stuff on reboot :slight_smile: I will wait for your update :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good day

Ok, So I figured it out a little bit.
The thing is that I lost somewhere a resource which is needed… but I have no idea what it was. Maybe it is cron, not sure, but you can try it out :slight_smile:

more Burgers!!! :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger:

ok it is not cron :frowning:


The problem is that it is not able to select the source in
DropPlayer(source, ‘sentence’)
It is not returning anything

But if you make something like :

		RegisterCommand("kickall", function()
			AddEventHandler("kickall", function()
			_source = source
				local grupos = getIdentity(source)
			if grupos.group ~= 'user' then
				DropPlayer(_source, 'Toutes les situations de RôlePlay se sont terminées automatiquement. Votre progrès a été enregistré. Reason: Server restart')
			    return nil

It will succesfully kick you because it found it

Hmm, yeah that should work, but I think it should be exactly like that in the download File…
Hmm Update will get released today :slight_smile:

Alright I will check it out when you push it, but the code i gave only kick you and nobody else

hmmm ok thanks for mention it.