[Release] jsfour-idcard [ESX]

but I do ?

Is there anyway you can add car insurance card too?
Also have it where it will show all at once?

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Hey really nice release @jsfour really like it, big props. ive use ur id sens it came out and i like it easy to use. but there seems to be a problem for me, for some reason when i go in to my meny and press ID Cards, then every card is Shown to players nearby and checking them yourself. so u get all of them overlapping. and i havent even selected Show/Check in the undermeny… ive been redoing it and trying for hours now. u know why?

-- Servern callback
AddEventHandler('jsfour-idcard:open', function(playerData)
	cardOpen = true
		action = "open",
		array = playerData

    while ESX == nil do
        TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(xPlayer)
  PlayerData = xPlayer   

function OpenCivilianActionsMenu()


  'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'civilian_actions',
    title    = 'Personal Menu',
    align    = 'bottom-right',
    elements = {
      {label = 'ID-Cards', value = 'id_kort'},
    function(data, menu)

      if data.current.value == 'id_kort' then

          'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'id_kort',
            title    = 'Identification',
            align    = 'bottom-right',
            elements = {
                  {label = 'Check your ID Card', value = 'checkID'},
                  {label = 'Show your ID Card', value = 'showID'},
                  {label = 'Check your driver license', value = 'checkDriver'},
                  {label = 'Show your driver license', value = 'showDriver'},
                  {label = 'Check your firearms license', value = 'checkFirearms'},
                  {label = 'Show your firearms license', value = 'showFirearms'}
	function(data, menu)
		local val = data.current.value
		if val == 'checkID' then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
		elseif val == 'checkDriver' then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'driver')
		elseif val == 'checkFirearms' then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'weapon')
			--ESX.ShowNotification('~w~You are checking your Weapon license')
			local player, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()
			if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
				if val == 'showID' then
				TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player))
				elseif val == 'showDriver' then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player), 'driver')
				elseif val == 'showFirearms' then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player), 'weapon')
			 -- ESX.ShowNotification('~r~There is no one nearby')
        function(data, menu)

		-- Look at your own ID-card
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
			ESX.ShowNotification('~w~You are checking your ID card')

		-- Show your ID-card to the closest person
		local player, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

		if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
		TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player))
		ESX.ShowNotification('~r~There is no one near you to show your ID too.')

		-- Look at your own driver license
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'driver')
			ESX.ShowNotification('~w~You are checking your Driver license')

		-- Show your driver license to the closest person
		local player, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

		if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
		TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player), 'driver')
		ESX.ShowNotification('~r~There is no one near you to show your Driver license.')

		-- Look at your own firearms license
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'weapon')
			ESX.ShowNotification('~w~You are checking your Weapon license')
		-- Show your firearms license to the closest person
			local player, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

			if distance ~= -1 and distance <= 3.0 then
			TriggerServerEvent('jsfour-idcard:open', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), GetPlayerServerId(player), 'weapon')
			ESX.ShowNotification('~r~There is no one near you to show your weapon license.')
    function(data, menu)

And how can I do that you only can show your id, driver license and your weapon license if you have these items in your inventory?

Im sorry for the headache,but i am confused on how to install this. Is it its own resource that can start and work, or do you have to install the “example” give on github in a already made resource (I.E. es_extended)? If you could help me with this id greatly appreciate it.

To be able to use it you need to add the triggers in a menu or something provided at the github under USAGE.

Ok, silly question do you recommend a menu to install it in? Or can I install it in es extended and use it under the F2 menu?

You should never add stuff to es_extended since it’s the core of the whole ESX framework. Either create a new resource or add it inside the jsfour-idcard.

And I don’t know what you want to use. If you wan’t to use a menu for it, then use a menu for it?

ok thank you for the help

First nice script. I have added the driver and weaon licenses as items in my database and know I want that you can only show your weapon and driver license when you have these in your inventory. How can I do that can you show it to me please. I am very crateful. Im looking forward to hearing from you.

Hello, I would like to add in the menu for a category to see the ID cards license of arms and car license

thanks for the help


It works perfectly, what I can not find is to put a button to hide the id, by default it is in the “v” and it is annoying me, since I have the camera change there, could you help me? I was testing and it does not change :confused:

thanks :smiley:

backspace button is to close it

how i can open the menu? please help me

You can’t. Implement it yourself or use the example menu in the description.

when i press on check your license or your id the card shown for a second and then disappear someone can help me? please

^ please

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you can change the default key?

Can someone explain to me how to replace the man and woman photo file by the photo of our character in the game?
I know you have to use: mugshot

How do i need to put this code in ?
I tried it to add more licenses but i get error’s :frowning:

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