[Release] jsfour-idcard [ESX]


the ID cards cannot be viewed, can someone help me? I have already edited the client.lua.

what’s the error you are getting in your console ?

this works for 1.2 ?
without essentialmode?

I am using both , but if I turn off essentialmode it doesn’t work

Hi, thanks for the answer. There is no error in the console. The menu works fine, I just can’t look at the ID cards or show them to someone else.

you need to have either a register command or controlled key to function viewing or showing someone your ID … thishttps://forum.cfx.re/t/release-jsfour-idcard-esx/169787/363?u=romntc would help you have a menu to do what you are looking for … just change line 23

there isn’t anything in this link

Compatible with vrpex?

I installed this is my server. Setup the triggerevent but nothing seems to open when i use the menu i implemented it in.

Hey guys,
I try to put in a new license, the data like name and so on shows up when I call the new type, but the new background picture don’t show :frowning:
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I think the problem is still in the init.js because it opens the data and display it with the new type but just not the picture
I copyed the weapon code and edited like this:

else if ( type == 'visum' ) {
        $('#name').css('color', '#d9d9d9');
        $('#name').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
        $('#signature').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);

        $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/visum.png)');

can you send me yours? ill pay

What? What’s wrong, why are you trying to pay for a free resource?

Is there a way to move the text from “height” “sex” Birthdate" etc? or are they unmovable

Hey! Ist There a way to Show a Aircraft Lincense in the Driver Lincense?

be great if something like this was done with qb

Hey man i got a few errors and i cant solve them.

[script:jsfour-idcard] SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 000000007302dbcf in script host failed: Argument at index 0 was null.

this came after me trying to solve idcard not showing up.
And now there is a other problem

Yes you can move them in html/assets/css/sytle play arround with #height and #sex… you have to play around with left/top if therse isn’t add it so it looks something like that

#sex {
position: absolute;
left: 140px;
color: #000000;
top: 8px;
#height {
position: absolute;
left: 140px;
width: 60px;
top: 35px;
color: #000000;

Hey, its working perfect, but i would like to ask, how to add function to police f6 menu so they could open and check id card?

Hi, i just made a reskinned version of this script for dutch people!
Hope this comes in handy for some people :slight_smile:

Can you make a german Verison please?