[Release] jsfour-idcard [ESX]

el problema que al mostrar a otra persona no muestra tu personaje. muestra la foto del personaje de quien la ve pero los nombres si esta bien

I dont see the document, please can you help me?

Tu sabes que ha usado para hacer lo de la foto en el carnet de identidad?

what do you use for put a photo in the identity card??

Just out of curiosity instead of using a menu or a key press to show this. Would it be possible with a chat command for example ā€œ/show idā€, ā€œ/show licenceā€ etc. ?

I donā€™t know anything about scripting so no clue how to implement this option.

BlockquoteSCRIPT ERROR: @jsfour-idcard/server.lua:8: attempt to index a nil value

How fix?

Hey! Would you guys like me to share my version of this script? I made ID, Weapon, & Drivers License into items which you drag to use (esx_inventoryhud) or press use (regular inventory) to show another player your ID, Drivers License, or Weapon license!


I really would like, it sounds interesting, with that I would have one more space on the keyboard for something else.

Share it please

Does that come with the menu?

Nope. If you want, i can add a menu in the repository.

Yeah can you add a menu if you donā€™t mind. Mine works on my local but on VPS, IDā€™s donā€™t seem to pop up, so Iā€™ll use yours instead.

Hold up! How is the creator lazy? You are literally copy and pasting his/her work, expecting it to work how you want then complaining when it doesnā€™t and then requesting other people tell you how to change it.

This script is brilliant if you know what you are doing.

How i can the Job Name implented in the Personalcard?

where could we download that at??? sounds awesome!

Hello is it possible to make 3 different cards
for example:
ID card - name is on a left dob is on a right
Driver license - name is at bottom dob is at top
Gun license - signature in the midle name at bottom
its just an example something like that.
I want to uploud 3 different pictures and on all of them
name,dob,sex is in different places

If anyone can help please write me
Thanks in advance

Hello, it would be interesting! Thanks in advance

did you figure it out?

Did anyone figure out how to fix the bug when you show id to other person he sees his mughshot not mines?

And when he shows me id I see my mugshot not his.

Please help

You going to give us your version of the script?