[Release] FRFuel [v1.7.0]

How would one go about adding more boat refueling stations? :thinking:

also with slower refueling? i like the refueling to be slow :wink:

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Need to change the position of fuel hud, how do i do that?

id like to make fueling slower i dont like it being super fast is it possible to have old dll but with the cl file for notification.

Edit i saw what i was talking about but just for RP id like it to be slower or maybe make a option in config file.



after releasing the spacebar, it gets triggerd multiple times for different amounts of fuel.

ive made my own moneysystem and tried to charge you for the fuel you get - and im pretty sure the values are all right but they dont come together in one single event.

dont mind the prices and the amount. i math.floor’ed it before printing out.

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Hi, tell me please how can I delete it or hide?

You can’t from client side, but can disable it via config file from server.

Can you tell me how to do this?

You change ShowHud=true to ShowHud=false.

Odd, will look into it. Thanks.

Did not help. Stop, do I have to clean cache after the change?

No, but it requires resource restart on client. Anyways, this flag works, if it doesn’t for you after simple resource restart then restart both server and client, this is probably pointless, but I don’t have any better option for you, as, again, works fine for everyone else.

why this is not charging for the fuel?

Its not designed to by default, however, there are events that you can use in order to create a system to charge for fuel though.

I’m having issues when press E at pump engine turns back on again. There away to fix that

Having the same issue… just starting happening today. Not sure why, hoping it is a simple fix.

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Yeah was well annoyed trying to fill my ultra Blue undercover Tahoe up in city horn was loud because had to keep pressing it to make it work

when i try and refuel just turns my car right back on

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If you guys have a /engine script in it will cause it. do you have one in your server?

Nope we don’t have any other scripts that would interfere with this one.

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