[Release] [Free] [Standalone] | v2.1 DeathScript

hey man, i’m having trouble setting the adres and adrev command for group.admin.
i put add_ace group.admin command.adrev allow in permissions.cfg in the vmenu resource folder and it doesn’t work.

can you send me over a pre configured file with the commands so i can copy paste? much thanks.

Hey PipBoi,

As I’ve already mentioned in my last reply, the permissions for those commands start with “DeathScript.” and not “command.”,
So commands would look something like this;

add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.AdRev"
add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.AdRes"

add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.AdRevAll"
add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.AdResAll"

add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.ToggleDS" # toggle DeathScript 

This is due to the fact that I’m not using the built-in command ace check, but instead using the IsPlayerAceAllowed() native to unify commands and keybinds permissions.

Good luck

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Ah that would make more sense I will give it a shot thanks!

I have tried the new string you listed above both with and without the quotation marks, but still not able to bypass the revive.

In the config.js is says command.AdRev is correct.
I copied the following into both permissions and the the server cfg but still not having any luck:
add_ace group.admin “DeathScript.AdRev”
add_ace group.admin “DeathScript.AdRes”

add_ace group.admin “DeathScript.AdRevAll”
add_ace group.admin “DeathScript.AdResAll”

add_ace group.admin “DeathScript.ToggleDS” # toggle DeathScript
Is there any support discord to get some help and provide pictures? Thanks again.


Sorry for the troubles, I’ve just tested it out, and it seems to be working just fine,

although I did it from the server console as shown here;

but it should also work from a permissions.cfg or server.cfg just fine.
though, something I didn’t address is using allow at the end of the ace command, as I just figured that it’s needed at least in the console, otherwise it will throw me an error as shown;

try using add_ace group.admin "DeathScript.AdRev" allow
and the same goes for the rest of the commands, and let me know if it doesn’t work and I’ll be more than willing to help :hugs:

P.S: I’ve gone ahead and updated the post to reflects the latest changes and make it a bit more understandable, as well as updating the comments in the sh_config.js file :smirk:

I worked on it for a while and followed what you were saying. Dont know what it was but it started working after one of the changes I made. Thank you.

Hello, I have a problem, when I revive the inventory it is disabled and I cannot open it, how can I fix it? I use the ox_inventory

Glad to know things are working for you, and good luck

I’m not sure what would be the cause of that as I do not have knowledge regarding ox_inventory at all

Hello, I want to change this script to one that can only be used by administrators and cannot be used by other players, but I don’t know what to do. Can you help me through todesk?


Generally speaking; never allow anyone to remotely access your computer, be careful!

You can achieve that by:

First; disabling the public commands, /revive and /respawn, you basically go to the sh_config.js file,
then go to line 6 and change the boolean from true to false to disable the /revive command,
the go to line 21 and also change the boolean from true to false to disable the /respawn command.

Second; give your administrators permissions to use /adrev and /adres,
DeathScript.AdRev for the /adrev command
DeathScript.AdRes for the /adres command

More instructions about ace permissions at the bottom of the original post.

Good luck, and stay safe

Fantastic script just what I was looking for.

Thank You

Glad you found it useful :smiley:

I’m having an issue. The qb-ambulancejob script keeps interfering. Whenever I die I see the revive and respawn commands on the side. Then the death event for ambulancejob starts initiating the default countdown and removing the ability to use DeathScript. How can I get around this?

D__txData_CFXDefaultFiveM_1DE4B7.base_resources_DeathScript 10_4_2023 4_32_31 PM

Windows Script Host 10_4_2023 4_33_05 PM

what should i do it wont let me open it

These perms won’t go into into any of the given files you will place them into the server.cfg

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Nvm im slow