[Release][Free] rgz_playedtime - total played time counter


Today i got for you my script that counts loggin times and total time spent on server
Theres NO-ESX, it using only MYSQL-async

All locales are in cfg, theres also webhook for discord in CFG




I mean, txAdmin does exactly that, but if for whatever reason one is not using it (which you absolutely should), this could come in handy. Nice!

I would suggest swapping out the Client event handler that’s checking for the player spawned event, with a Server event handler instead listening for the player connecting event. The reason being, is that right now any script-kiddy could spam the rgz_playtime:loggedIn event and cause you a bit of strife.


ofc, txadmin do that for admins with premission only, here you got feature for players, easy to make top10 and other discord commands + info for admins/mods without premission in tx

Really good script, here defo something that will be used in my server!

It doesn’t work for me, in my playtime table all values are set to 0

how can i set the /time1 and /time2 command to admin only? if u spam /time1 it will show up logged in the server more than 1 and keep adding on and on just from typing /time1

There arÄ™ command time1/time2 to debug it. Script is rly simple so i dont know what could go wrong

You can check ace premissions or use ESX addgroupcommand, make table with steamid’s. Theres mamy options

Commands time1/2 meant to be for debug and you should delete IT when IT works. Time1 simmulate playerspawn and time2 simmulate playerdropped

That’s note commands for player use, check readme on github

can u make an option to disable mysql? and just let it log in the discord? i would appreciate it

the point of script is to count all played time, so mysql is required here. If you want you can edit script whatever you want

Ive got a Error

SCRIPT ERROR: @rgz_playedtime/server.lua:97: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (field '?')

Update for OXmySQL?
Good script btw

Hello @Adam-rGz
Is it possible to add a daily and a monthly time specification?
It would be great if you could help me with this. Also for a donation :slight_smile:

Best regards

Added this to my server, but it is only tracking admin’s… I haven’t looked at the code yet but figured while i was here i would post and update if i figure it out. Any ideas?

Can i get some help on this? script not working properly.