[UPDATED] Standalone Currency System

Yea the player to player part will be great, but without income, it creates a limited amount of money. Also, a way for staff to be able to give money would be nice too (preferably secured with an ACE perm).

Really looking forward to trying this out and really excited about the prospect of tying into Legacy Fuel!! Keep up the great work!


Thank you for the grate feedback, I’ll add a command for staff to be able to add money and I’ll also add a daily salary feature in the config file incase you’d want to use that.


This is a great idea. As I am learning more about FiveM scripting, I am discovering that there is a lot already under the hood without using a framework. The only thing really missing was currency.


hi andy great work LOVE THIS SCRIPT that you made but is there any chance to make a non esx character menu. and make it where way to switch characters accounts balance? and if you can link to the atm and maybe a job menu that works with the atm
P.S maybe make a framework people would love that

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Yes I’m currently planning to make a framework, it’ll be done soon and this will be connected to it.


Idea for animation:

  • If you’re near the person you want to pay, you could do an animation to hi 5 each other. DPEmotes has this:

[“handshake”] = {“mp_ped_interaction”, “handshake_guy_a”, “Handshake”, “handshake2”, AnimationOptions =
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteDuration = 3000,
SyncOffsetFront = 0.9
[“handshake2”] = {“mp_ped_interaction”, “handshake_guy_b”, “Handshake 2”, “handshake”, AnimationOptions =
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteDuration = 3000

Handshake would be the first person and Handshake2 would be the 2nd person.

  • ATM Interaction:

“Scenario”, “PROP_HUMAN_ATM”, could attach a card to the bone maybe.

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This gave me an idea to start working on a simple addon that would display the job on the top right corner like esx and then you can choose a job somewhere. This would also motivate players to do something as Cops or Ems for example!


Dude just a fat THANK YOU to you man, I always wanted money but never liked ESX because of bugs and not enough exsrinse to dev with it but this… this is amazing man!


I do have one request, is there a way you could make it where every so often you get a pay out while your in game, and make a config where you can set the time interval and the pay per interval, I’m no coder so idk how to do theses things so thats the only reason i ask

Yes, I’ll be adding a daily salary option, thank you for the suggestion though I’ll now add a config where you can choose how ofter.


Thank you so much man, please alert me when you come out with the update, ill download it right away!


Nice script, very good.


Here’s the thing, though. For me, as an admitted newbie, I’ve tried several frameworks. I finally settled on ESX. And pretty much everything I have so far operates within the ESX framework. As nice an idea as a non-ESX system sounds, I do not know enough about FiveM Lua scripting to un-ESX everything.

You mentioned building your own framework. That’s nice, I think I’ll name it “NDX” for “Andy’s X” or “No Damned Extended.” :slight_smile:

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lol thank you for the suggestion.


This looks amazing !

I think this will help alot of V-Menu Severs that dont want to be ESX or VRP, Such as mine.

have you got any plans to make any other scripts that will work in twin with this?, Such as jobs or Hotels that don’t rely on ESX ?


Yes there will be add ons coming to this from me. And if the community wants too they can do it too.


If you could make it to where you had just daily player time salary, paying for fuel and other stuff like that and making a clockin scritp for ems/leo/tow and stuff like that.

Any chance on a ETA for these plans you have?


There’s a problem where if you withdraw the wrong amount from the atm, you lose the mouse cursor & the hud gets stuck in place resulting in having to quit out of the game.
Any fixes for that ?

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How can I call the AddCash(amount) function from another script…? I am using BadgersBankRobberies and it works except that there’s (obviously) no update to the cash amount for the robber upon success…

I’m sure it can’t be as simple as just adding the line “AddCash(500)” in the other script in order to call the function from your script…?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

You can create a export in the Money script and then just use it in your script.