[DELETED] [FREE] Cayo Perico Without Mapping And Visible Anywhere!

Cayo Perico Script

I have deleted this forum post because @Slerbamonsteri tell me that i can’t post a free resource with escrow system.

If a moderator see this forum post, please delete the post

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 50-100
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Please upload your file to github or here, i guess. Free releases can’t be encrypted.

Also whats the point in this? I mean aren’t you like over a year late with this. The island is visible in minimap as default, no?

Colored minimap has been releases awhile ago too

Or am i missing something lol


Hi, I think free resources can be encrypted. Some others developpers do the same thing like Codesign.pro

For the recolorization, indeed it is the one you sent me but it is not encrypted, it is true that I forgot to specify that it was not mine, I add that immediately!

But for the script, the normal scripts that I know display on the pause menu either Los Santos or Cayo Perico, so I decided to make an optimized script that displays Los Santos and Cayo Perico at the same time.

Hi, you are wrong. Please read Releases Rules and FAQ

Also, i just meant that you have done nothing new here. [How-To] Load CayoPerico minimap all of the time

There is literally a how-to guide with said snippet doing same thing as you are, though you escrowed it (against rules)

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Okay, i admit i have wrong and i am going to delete my forum post :slight_smile:

Well, if you have done something differently in your code, just upload it to github and don’t escrow it. Contribute for the community.

Al free script need to be without escrow.

Yes, so i have deleted my forum post :slight_smile: