[RELEASE] [FREE] Auto Body Shop Stations

Based on es_carwash by ‘EssentialMode 5 CarWash by TheSpartaPT.’

FiveM Auto BodyShop

Pull in to one of several Body Shop locations on the map, drive in, hit enter to repair auto body damage.

Optional Dependencies

EssentialMode Base


1- Drag and Drop the cp_auto_body_shop folder into the resources/[local] folder;

2- add this line “ensure cp_auto_body_shop” on “server.cfg” near the end of your start and ensure lists.

Extremelly important: if you’re using EssentialMode step 2 needs to be bellow the “start essentialmode” line so the dependencies load first.

Optional (notepad++ recommended)

If you wish to make the repairs free open “cp_auto_body_server.lua” and edit the value on the variable “enableprice” to “false”

If you wish to edit how much money is spent to wash the car open “cp_auto_body_server.lua” and edit the value on the variable “price” to whatever number you want.

Protoford/cp_auto_body_shop: FiveM GTA V Auto Body Shop (github.com)


Where is the download link? :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess you forgot the download link on this one. On any case, would you mind explaining a bit more about what exactly does this one do?

Edited to add the link at the bottom.
Sure, pull in to one of several Body Shop locations on the map, drive in, hit enter to repair auto body damage.

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Thank you, added at the bottom of the post.

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I would suggest you use PlayerPedId() instead of GetPlayerPed(-1) as its faster then id also suggest changing GetDistanceBetweenCoords to lua math, also would add some checks to your events as people with executors will exploit this.

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Thanks, do not want to be exploited.

Updated GetPlayerPed(-1) to PlayerPedId() and uploaded to the original GitHub link as recommended.