[Release] FiveM Bot - Monitor your FiveM Server Easily

Yes, when you set a guild’s fivem server to your guild, it stays as one, so you could make another discord that has a different server running and set it to that to make it work.


Ok. Nice. Keep up the work!

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thank you so much I had a bot before but there are some bugs so it does not work anymore so thank you so much for your job you’ve done

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Yeah this bot still has a couple of bugs and limitations, but that’s why I need feedback. So I can find bugs and limitations to make this even better.

Could you maybe change the command sign that is now # to something else because many members who are not very good with discord only tag other channels on the server. And they don’t know that you have to use space behind the command to not tag channels.

It’s just that it’s kind of stupid to tell everyone. So if you could change it to for example % £ | $ € ‘ that would be great.

I definitely will consider that due to how annoying it is (even for me) probably to $

okay thanks

New Update

Changed bot prefix from # -> $

Nice release, I’ll be using it.
Also, there really doesn’t seem to be a reason to give the bot administrator privilege, and seems like a risk. It works perfectly with no permissions on my server.

The reason is that when someone uses a command, it deletes the message they sent which makes the discord just a bit more clean.I like to log a everything and when i see a bunch of

DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions
at item.request.gen.end (C:\Users\sadasdasd\Desktop\jsasdasdasdbot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\rest\RequestHandlers\Sequential.js:68:65)
at then (C:\sasadsad\sadasdsad\Desktop\sadsada\node_modules\snekfetch\src\index.js:181:21)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)

it gets a little annoying. You shouldn’t need to manually give it an admin permission (due to the bot invite link being setup that way. Also, there really is no risk for administrator (as the code is all public) if that’s what your on about.

There is still no need for an admin permission. You can just give it a “manage messages” permission.
And yes, I am playing it very safe, as I usually do with giving bots/users permissions.

You’re right :slight_smile: I’ll change that. Never even thought about that

what? it’s publicly available data, it can be shared by anyone, you accepted it when you started using fivem… just do as @helium suggested.

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Users’ IP addresses are sent to the client console occasionally, and the server is always able to get the IP address of any client, but okay.

Why do people think an IP address is like some crazy sensitive information? What’s a script kiddie gonna do, get their Guy Fawkes mask out and try to DDoS you with the LOIC?

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Never underestimate the L O W O R B I T I O N C A N N O N

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Is it possible you can code another edition of this bot that edits its message every 5 minutes to display online players? I feel that’d be extremely useful.

That’s not going to happen. This is due to that making a discord bot message 100 guilds every 5 mins wouldn’t be considered api abuse, it would be api rape at that point. Every 5 minutes my bot would send 100 messages and that’s just too much on both ends. If you request the online players yourself, then (if I’m not correct) you are requesting it, and not my bot taking the toll through the discord api.

I’m going to my ip and getting this Route / not found.

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