[Release] FiveM-BanSql

You can try last Beta Version

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Now all is fine, very good script. Thanks @AlexGarcio :heart:.


How can i trigger a ban from a client script? I’m trying to get people (scriptkiddies) banned when they spawn in a blacklisted weapon. I have script that removes the weapon but i would like to add a sqban to it.

I have codes this this 8 month ago but not add.
I will add it soon i have time to code

@Matzbear it’s done, but he are code for last Dev Version

Thanks for the quick reply! I will test this tonight :slight_smile:

Does not seem to work unfortunately


@Matzbear have you trigger the event from server side?

No from client side

“Can be use with TriggerServerEvent(‘bansql:icheat’) on client side on the anti-cheat system”

Is it possible with your “self ban ServerEvent for anti-cheat” to add a custom reason on the ban?

and I guess you have to put the trigger that way?
“TriggerServerEvent(‘bansql:icheat’, source)”

i tried that but that didn’t work either, if u try (‘bansql:icheat’, 0) is says invalid id in te console. So i guess its looking for a player id, i just don’t know how to add it to the script that i use. I tried (‘bansql:icheat’, playerPed) but that also does nothing :confused:

Why is it not on english for me? please help

@Matzbear All fixed in last dev version
I have add the custom reason you want too just go look in client.lua you have 2 demo trigger

@w0rt3x_13 go look in the config.lua file at line 4
Config.Lang = ‘fr’ --Set lang (fr-en)

Works great thanks!

Doesn’t work for me, or I missed somewhere

I’m triggering it from a client.lua, you are trying it from a server.lua. I’m also trying to ban script triggers like you are trying but i also get the same error u have. But for clienttriggers it works great.

@ItzikNossette the code are build to be call from client side.
But i can recode it again to accept call from server too

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If you can, it would be cool ^^

Trigger from client and server side would be awesome! Thanks for being so active in helping the community against cheaters :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@ItzikNossette & @Matzbear it’s done.

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