[Release] fancy / clean loadingscreen

Hey everyone,
i made a simple laodingscreen for your server. Just change it that it fits to your server.
Feel free to change the background.

Get it herefancy_loading.rar (2.2 MB)


Hey, thank you for this. I’ve been searching for a loading screen for some time and I think this is the one that I am going to use.

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Sorry but this is stolen from: [Release] Simple LoadingScreen
just gime him credits

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To me they look similar but they are different without looking into the code.

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sorry but not :slight_smile: full sourcecode is wrote from me. Watch the sourcecode building. First search evidences before you convict someone. greetings :slight_smile:

I’m glad to hear that this very simple and basic html script helps so much :ok_man:

man why so unfriendly? they look really similar for me. also: if you used got inspired by other resources, always give them credits.

he didn’t steal it, end of story.


Where i can change music?

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There’s no music in this loading screen. Search through the internet if you want to add music. This website can help you: https://www.w3schools.com

I don’t see him being unfriendly whatsoever bud. You were the one that was unreasonable ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, nice release, OnlyAlex!


Hey! Nice release do i have permission to use and modify it to my needs for my new server? Credits will be provided [This means changing the code to add buttons and stuff]


Of course, feel free to change :slight_smile: Also without credits. The code isn’t very hard to rewrite so it would be a bit stupid to give credits to this code :man_shrugging: I wish a nice day :slight_smile:

I looked into the code but I can’t find where to edit the information tab. What file can I edit it in?