[Release] [ESX] WH-Robbery. System built to utilise safe cracking minigame

Sounds good! Currently trying to change which account the money goes to, trying to make it go to black_money account but not having any luck when editing it in server.lua, would you be able to help?

I figured out how to do it, for anyone wondering you need xPlayer.addAccountMoney(‘black_money’, amount) in the server.lua replacing the old addmoney line.

Releasing later today :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry it took this long :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Version 2 Finally Released! WH-Robberies V2 Safe Cracking Minigame Version 2

Hello !

I’m using this script and i love it btw… :slight_smile: … but i have a quick question ! would you know how to ‘’ whitelist ‘’ some weapons from the alerts so they dont trigger gunshot alert?

Hey @TheGrumpyFox that’s great to hear!

In simple terms off the top of my head it would be getting the model name of current weapon and an if statement only triggering the alert when is not config.whitelistedweapons or something.

P.S From your comment earlier in the thread, the V2 has been released and has an item to trigger :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes i updated it and it works fine :slight_smile: thanks !

I will check for the exception thing. I’m not super skilled yet at coding but i will give it a shot i guess :sweat_smile:

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