[RELEASE] esx_simcards

ok, it works, but when i generate a new number (example: 8888888) the number in database is 888, does anyone know why? I am using gcphonev3

Hello, when I create a new number and it starts with 0 its does not work
Sorry for my bad english

gcphone - server.lua

local numBase0 = math.random(100,999) - to - local numBase0 = math.random(000,999)

Not working if i try to enter a number that start with 0 its not working

sql is not good

I can’t use the simcard with my inventoryhud, when i drag the simcard “use” disappear. Can someone help me?

I dont know what to do somebody help pls`?

I had the same problem. If you use dpemotes, edit the fxmanifest.lua file and add these lines:

Hi, I seem to be having a small issue, the script works fine up until the point of number change, it states that the number has been changed to for example ‘123-4567’ however when you then check the phone the number has not changed and from that the number has also not been adjusted on the database, if you could help that would be greatly appreciated

Hello, I don’t really know how to create scripts or how to add it, I’m just one member of a community but we are searching for one script for the multiple SIM Cards, we don’t want the one where you have to type a number every time you use a “SIM Card”, we’re looking for a script where you can select between your SIM cards with a real phone number each one, not the one where you have to type it. Please, we would appreciate your help. Thank you so much.

how is this optional when the addon uses simcards?

There are other phone mods my guy, I said optional because that’s the one we use, you can use whatever you like, if you do happen to use gcphone then ensure the bool is set to true in the config and this mod will ensure the gcphone UI gets updated during runtime on number changes.

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Hello there,
I would like to know how the phone number in game (so in the phone interface) could be changed without having to log out of the server and then log back for the number change to be efficient (do I maybe have to do something in “gcphone” ?)

io possible to register the simcard using the use button in the inventoryhud instead of opening the sim menu?

this item is not usable, i didnt change the name of the item.
just trying to use it and i cannot
i am using esx 1.2

this script is buggy asf , when you use this item ( sim_card ) then you cannot press ESC button or backspace.

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to confiscate a card and have access to the owner’s message?

Have you made it work? Which esx you on? Thanks

can you resolve?

Did you get this resolved cause I’m having the same issue