[Abandoned] [FREE] ESX Real Parking v1.4 | Real Life Parking | Parking Anywhere | Optimized

简体中文 :
Config.Locales = {
[“only_allow_car”] = “你只能在这里存放车”,
[“car_saved”] = “您的车已存放”,
[“press_to_save”] = “按 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 存放你的车”,
[“not_your_car”] = “你只能存放属于你的车”,
[“need_parking_fee”] = “按 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 支付以下费用 ~g~$%s~s~”,
[“not_enough_money”] = “你没有足够的现金”,
[“parking_fee”] = “停车费: ~g~$%s/一天”,
[“pay_success”] = “您支付了停车费 ~g~$%s~s~ 你现在可以开走它”,
[“parking_full”] = “该停车场已满,您不能再在这里停车”,
[“invalid_car”] = “您没有在这里存放汽车,或者您没有持有这辆汽车的证件”,
[“already_parking”] = “该停车场已经存放了同一车牌的汽车”,
[“owner”] = “车主: ~y~%s~s~”,
[“plate”] = “车牌号: ~g~%s~s~”,

我喜欢这个插件 但是可能存在一些问题 也谢谢作者能分享那么好的插件 Thanks You

same here < After restarting server cars not showing.

Okay…this errors means the script is trying to get the identifier for the player but failed.
Which version of ESX are you using?

This seems to be because some vehicles don’t have license plates :thinking:
can you tell me the version of your ESX and ESX VehicleShop?

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There is a problem, when 2 people take out the vehicle almost at the same time, the vehicle disappears


Same here :frowning:

There’s any updates is coming ?

What it seems to do is that when 1 person saves his vehicle, he collects all the parked vehicles, he would have to collect them individually

Yes, I’m trying to fix the bug and optimize it.
When my work is done, I will release the new version.


When i restart server, after restart cars stay in the position?

Have been looking for a good garage script for so long. Thank you for bringing us this

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have a error on the script is not working https://prnt.sc/riz0rm

Does the cars stay even after a server restart?

Make impound like this :slight_smile:

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yes it’s stay there

Great idea :bulb:


SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_realparking/server/main.lua:140: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’)

TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/function.lua:154)
handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:71)

Could someone explain me why I’m getting this?
also after relog my car disappears from the parking

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