[Release] [ESX] [Police Job]

is there a key that brings up the options like cuff/uncuff or is it a command like /cuff /uncuff /putinvehicle or how does it work?

Im having the same issue, really bugging me.

Hi. What about to add give licence for police job like:

 function OpenPoliceActionsMenu()

	'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'police_actions',
		title    = 'Police',
		align    = 'top-left',
		elements = {
			{label = _U('citizen_interaction'),	value = 'citizen_interaction'},
			{label = _U('vehicle_interaction'),	value = 'vehicle_interaction'},
			{label = _U('object_spawner'),		value = 'object_spawner'},
			{label = "Zatvor Meni",               value = 'jail_menu'}, 
			{label = _U('license_add'),	value = 'addLicense'} ----this is to add licence


elseif action == 'addLicense' then

and then something like:

function OpenLicenceMenu(player)

	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'licence',
		title    = _U('licence'),
		align    = 'top-left',
		elements = {
			{label = _U('gun_licence'), value = 0},
			{label = _U('rifle_licence'),   value = 1}
	}, function(data, menu)
		OpenLicenceCategoryMenu(player, data.current.value)
	end, function(data, menu)



function OpenLicenceCategoryMenu(player, category)

	ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_license:addLicense', function(target, type, cb)

I’m really looking for a complete function. Can someone help?

Could use some help, added this to my server and when I try to walk up the steps I fall though the map what could be causeing this?

It is complete or?

No it is not i wish someone can finish it :DD

Hello I am having a issue with buying Police Cars. I have added custom police cars that use police1-5 and when I added them to be buyable they worked but every time I wanna switch cars I get stuck in the car and my menus go away. Is there anyone else who has had this happen? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Error I got

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Question, are those extra spaces on the bottom between the two main brackets necessary?

from where can i open boss menu and how can i make boss add or remove ppl from police job?

Nop (20chars)

for some reason my policejob no longer allows searching of anyone, a notification pops up above map saying they are being searched but nothing pops up with an inventory can anyone give me some insight on why>

outlawalert or pnotify

Under vehicle_names.lua

if this was in response to me, i dont believe so, i get notifications etc, just no inventory or menu pops up when doing the search to see what they have.

Was replying to a message 5ds ago about how to add alert to police job but wasn’t you look top right i was replying to someone else @Ownage_Galore

Where do i change the key for the F6 menu?

Hi, with the search body function, when I loot dead player, weapons are duplicated because they remain in looted player’s inventory. This doesn’t happen when I loot an alive player. Only weapons bug.
Which can be the problem?

have any luck with a way to customize a uniform at the cloakroom? i have uniforms i want people to use, but currently having an issue so they can change vests and such.

I have finished adding and boat and airplane stores to my policejob script i was looking at adding a itemshop too but don’t know where to start any suggestions?

Has anyone figured out how to make half the paid fines go to the society bank and half go to the arresting officer yet?