[ESX] MSK Deathcounter - integrated in myMultichar

Github: GitHub - MSK-Scripts/msk_deathcounter: Deathcounter integrated in myMultichar
Documentation: Welcome - MSK Scripts


  • Set the maxDeaths allowed before the Character gets blocked
  • Set Admingroups that are allowed to use the Commands
  • Playerdeaths are saved in database users table
  • Discord Logs


  • /deathcounter ID - shows the current deathcount
  • /deathcounter ID reset - resets the current deathcount to 0
  • /deathcounter ID set deathcount - sets the current deathcount to a specific count


Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'de' -- 'de', 'en'
Config.VersionChecker = true
Config.Debug = true
-- Add the Webhook Link in server_discordlog.lua
Config.DiscordLog = true
Config.botColor = "6205745"
Config.botDescription = "Someone died, Death will be added to database counter"
Config.botName = "MSK Scripts"
Config.botAvatar = "https://i.imgur.com/PizJGsh.png"
-- true = counts if player is dead (esx:onPlayerDeath)
-- false = counts if player is revived at hospital (Read the Readme.md)
Config.countDeath = true
Config.maxDeaths = 45
Config.Groups = {'superadmin', 'admin'}
-- This command resets the deathcount to 0 from all characters exept the characters that are blocked.
-- If a character is blocked, the deaths will be set to Config.maxDeaths - Config.blockedCount so the character has Config.blockedCount lives again.
Config.resetCommand = 'deathreset' -- That must not be 'deathcounter' otherwise you break all commands
Config.blockedCount = 3
-- !!! This function is client AND serverside !!!
function notification(src, type, xPlayer, message) -- xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
    if type == 'client' then
    elseif type == 'server' then


Please look at the documentation: https://musiker15.gitbook.io/msk-scripts/deathcounter/getting-started

You can get myMultichar here: [ESX - ENG/DE/ES] myMultichar with Ped Menu, Spawn Selector and Register Menu (PAID)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~ 135
Requirements ESX 1.2 or above; myMultichar; oxmysql
Support Yes

Latest Update

My other Scripts




This is not free

Now it is and not encrypted

Update v2.1

  • Added command for setting the deaths of all characters to 0

Please read the comment in the config.lua

the problem my Credit Card is closed did you can send another like please ? <3

again, its for free

1 Like

Update v1.2

  • Added Discord Logs

Update v2.4

  • Added new Config.countDeath for count death if Player is respawned at hospital
  • oxmysql is necessary for this Update!