hmm, try to open f8 after pressing E next to the dead corpse to see what errors showing.
Hi, I want to ask how to write code.
Can rob the body of NPC or zombie~ Thank you
Love the script , but at the moment can’t use because i found out that multiple people can access the dead bodys inventory at the same time and dupe everything in there . Any way to add a function to only let one person at a time access to the inventory . I have tried multiple ways to do this but i am still learning Thanks again for the scripts works perfectly apart from the above
they can’t dupe items i tried it ,
maybe they can just dupe guns
also for that part i’m newbie too if you find any solution share with me
its working only dont appear any 3d text
i will have a look for the items try with a freind and access the body at the same time , and if they take out the same item and seing that fivem (sorry) isn’t that quick in saving data , the item goes into both inventory at the amount they chose . I will have a look and see what i can pull , if i find anything to stop this i will pass on . For the weapons i think it is commig for the fivem archive actualy and most probably from some update , i have a ^rety old es extended because of so much change made into it and my ambulance job hasn’t changed in a while . But i see a lot of servers are having the same problems with weapons not disapering from inventorys . Might have to see in creating weapons as items in the inventory for them to dispear , saw a script once being able to do that ! god knows where it is now lol
you can just add your local in my github
well bro, in my server they can’t copy items but weapons can be dupe !
also if they get revived they items will gone (its known issue with ambulance job i think)
and we all are glad that you trying to fix that bug
im new to github didint now but can you take the local put it in to your git hub and then i remove the post (.
Could you make your hair pack available?
what hair pack ?
How can I use inventory hud with this script?
Nice bro I realy like it.
Dada karet doroste.
any idea ?
with that option they can dup items
i need to add inventoryhud not this inventory
you need to delete everything in the below function
function OpenBodySearchMenu(target, target_id)
and replace it with
function OpenBodySearchMenu(player)
TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory", GetPlayerServerId(player), GetPlayerName(player))
but with this players can duplicate items
Mashallah Dawsh Hossein Ganget Balast Haji:v:
how to get the dumping fixed on inventoryhud? :((