[Release] [ESX] loffe_burglary

I don’t understand why you would want that but I can make it for you

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You could? That would be awesome! Because right now one person robs the house and the loot is empty in that house until I reset server or resource. This way cops can fix the door and reset the loot so people can do the burglary again.

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@Loffes , Police do get the call when doing a burglary, but they can’t set GPS point to the location? Im using esx_phone3.

Where in the script would you go about and put this? Curious

Well loffe has already written the esx_phone statement in; pretty simple to work out from there with a quick CTRL+F.

so you just change the “esx_phone:send” to “gcphone:send” ? :slight_smile:

No, thats where the police alert triggers currently, so you can insert it there.

You’ll need to understand how to call a function. In this case with PoliceRobberyAlert()

Lovely script , im just wondering if its possible to dont get any weapons from peds when when you kill them

You need to do something like this: [Release] Delete Weapon Drops from NPC

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Got that script enabled. No other NPCs drop weapons yet the ones from this script do.

Also, anyone got code for GCPhone?

Somehow when trying this out, instead of 4 npc’s spawning, 25 npc are spawning.
I have no idea why, had to disable npc spawning for now.

An issue with this code is, if the cops don’t repair the door, people can just walk in, rob everything, then sell, over and over.

How is that a problem? The loot doesnt reset

No, I’m saying even if the house is looted, people can return to the house and loot it again. Not sure if this is triggered by relogging or leaving the area

No, google translate should do the job tho

Dear , Can you please tell me why i get this error ?

i change too meany esx_addons_gcphone resources but still this error …

how to add something like script reset after fixing the doors? so the loot can refill. Ty!

Where do i sale the stuff?

Hello! I don’t get loot when registering locations, has anyone ever had this happen before? it also doesn’t show any error in console

try this for GCPhone - add to your client.lua

function callCops(house)
if savedDoor ~= lastDoor then
TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_addons_gcphone:startCall’, ‘police’, burglaryDetected … '\n ’ … houseIn, { x = exitPos.pos.x, y = exitPos.pos.y, z = exitPos.pos.z })
lastDoor = savedDoor