[RELEASE] esx_keydoor - Open door with needed key

great clean job you have here man A+ i have a question is possible to use this for example a especial key for a house? or a car?

Of course you can use it for a house :+1: But for a car it needs another script.

yes but for example i can make a special key for a user just for one house house if we can say it that way?

Yes create an item for him and give it. Then config the door of the house you want in config.lua

i have to create the “key” in the data base right???
and thank you for your time in helping me to understand this i really appreciated

Yes create the key in your database then config it in config.lua

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thanks man and sorry for all the noob questions i really appreciate your time and help, great work

Im not sure if anyone else is having this issue i know that someone had mentioned it before you had updated but for some reason I have to restart the script when I start up the server. This is in the console when i start up. Love the release otherwise :smiley:

Hey bro i got some errors when i try to add the name of the door and the corddinates , idk if you can help me but just reply plzz , Ty

You made a mistake in your vectors, just have a second look …

I’ll fix this asap but you can just add restart esx_keydoor at the end of your server.cfg to bypass it.

I shall do that for now. Thank you :slight_smile:

I have this error and it does not close the doors :confused:

ceck the config, maybe you forgot a " ," or a" { }"

How can I lock mechanic garage doors does anyone have sample? I tried most of things but I cannot do that

Can it be made that instead of a key, it is a SteamID? I know dreaming is free but it would be great

Hey, sure you can easily do it with GetPlayerIdentifiers in server.lua

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hey lizzardGuy, my garagedoors stops on the ppsoition and doesnt resett the position the die locked position

anyone know how i can set this to use an item hash instead of item name

In ‘client/main.lua’ replace ‘GetHashKey(v.objName)’ on lines 35 and 40 with the ‘v.objHash’

In your esx_keydoor config file replace objName with objHash. The following is an example of this in use

		objHash = -1406685646,
		objCoords  = vector3(441.05, -977.88, 30.7),
		textCoords = vector3(441.05, -977.88, 30.7),
		needJob = false,
		authorizedJobs = {'police'},
		keyNeeded = 'policecard',
		removekey = false,
		locked = true

Hope this helps :smiley: