[RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

Done that, did not work.

I’ve also tried commenting out resources that might be affecting it, nothing.

anyone know how to fix the problem when when people join especailly new people and the click on the first slot so character 1 then get a infinante black screen… ive been using this for a while and never had a problem but now its starting to happen out of no where

If the users are not in their database they will have that error

one more clean your database users

Did anyone figure out the loading issue?

alright i have everything working, the only issue i have is when people log into the server they all spawn in the same spot, and not at there previous position when the left

Are your multi-char all owner of the same car ? If Char2 buy a sabre turbo, are they all owners if i switch char? (just me or anybody)

just the character u buy it on owns it

The new essentialmode does not support PvP

the car was bought pre-kash… ill delete this char and retest… thank you

ok so after reverting back to 6.1.0 of essential mode im still having an issue that when a person dies they dont just lay there they have an issue when they die the respawn in that spot and is fulll hp as a fivem skater ped

still cant find the issue anybody having the same issue

I’m getting errors on esx_status

u might havce to edit a couple line to make it say owner. if u have the problem again. there is something that kash says about it in the the file

This isn’t a EssentialMode problem. Sounds like you need to add some lines about the ambulance job.

https://github.com/XxFri3ndlyxX/kashacters <---- I suggest you to use this one. XxFri3ndlyxX was kind enough to add edit instructions in the information/Read Me. If you scroll down you’ll see there’s lines you need to put involving the Ambulance Job and characters and that fixed it for me!

yea i did those lines already and its still happening

function RespawnPed(ped, coords, heading)
	SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, false, false, false, true)
	NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, heading, true, false)
	SetPlayerInvincible(ped, false)
	TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:multicharacter', coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)


AddEventHandler('esx_ambulancejob:multicharacter', function()
	IsDead = false

		ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_ambulancejob:getDeathStatus', function(isDead)
			if isDead and Config.AntiCombatLog then


Cleand up sql

USE `essentialmode`;

CREATE TABLE `user_lastcharacter` (
  `steamid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `charid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`steamid`)

ok so for my issue it dealt with kashacters so i just replaced mine with https://github.com/XxFri3ndlyxX/kashacters and now everything works as intended

I absolutly love the resource, take my hat off for this one.

Does anyone have the esx_property fix where you can randomly lose items?

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Can someone help me, I have this on my server and before i installed it on my 1st character i had a property i was renting, now that i have this installed the money is been charged to my second account and its in the minus of $30k is there a way to fix this? and also cars aren’t going back to the garage since installing this.

If someone could help me would be greatly appreciated.

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