[RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

Hey my character spawns but skips selection screen.

The truth is a bit curious, I’m going to tell you, maybe someone knows how to tell me, and I have done the previous tutorial already having esx_kashacters working but one thing still happens to me, if we are 2 on the server and a 3rd one enters, that 3rd one stays in a parallel server, if a 4th enters it goes with the 3rd, and being 3 and one being separated if the second one leaves, those who did not see each other, I also receive these phrases in the console, recived a vouch for xxxxx, they have 2 vouches and need 3, or, xxxxx they are the current arbitrator, I know it’s a bit weird to explain and understand but if someone could tell me it would be appreciated. thanks greetings.

It’s called “instancing” and many people including me get it…well, now and then.

Hey, @XxFri3ndlyxX, I’ve followed your tutorial and it works well. But upon reviving, players can’t open their job menu.

Before your instructions for making Ambulance units revive players properly, we were able to revive via edited PD menu ( Police ability to revive without /revive [esx_policejob] )

So now, both ambulance units and LEOs are able to revive properly, but after ANY revive, no one is able to open their job menu or phone (F6 and F9). My custom ESX personal menu (F1) strangely works…

Would you know what went wrong here? Would be awesome to hear your response on this :slight_smile:

Edit.: Ok, so I’ve deleted “isDead” from conditions for opening the menu and it works now.

I’ve deleted it in just police client.lua so far, in the line where you open police menu, just to test it. I will try to find some more clever fix today.

Does anybody have experience running this properly with esx_jb_realtimejailer ?

Guys, i read whole conversation here… made all … only problem i have for some reason … last position is not saved in database . is always 0 0 0 … and yes is a VARCHAR 255 field.

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I would like to use your great mod and the jsfour register.

Apparently, the two seem not so easy.

Can someone help me?

Thanks, but if i use this script my characters didn’t load. How i can fix this?

Hello anyone have problem when dead can’t revive and character stand still one place. sorry for bad english

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try this fix

Thank you, but all I had to do was just literally update the Jailer to the lastest version… I haven’t changed anything, worked out of the box this time :slightly_smiling_face:

Dose this Make it so you can have multiple characters in ESX?

Yes of course, did you even read about the resource?..

Kind Regards
Sven :slight_smile:

I Have 2 Issuse:

  1. When i am clicking “Create New Character” is skips the registration. btw i have a clean esx_identity
  2. When i register a character and reconnect is dont list the character i’ve made before. its only saying
    “Create new character”

When you say COMMENT OUT line 6 - 16 do you mean Remove them? completely?

Does anyone know how to make it so you can type example: selectcha so you can choose character again ingame and so you dont need to leave the game to choose another character

Hello, I am trying to fix the problem of shared cabinets between characters, I don’t know if someone has already fixed it and I would know what to do, the weapons with the esx_kashacters tutorial are not shared when repairing esx_datastore, but the black money and the items do yes, Can someone help me attach the repair from esx_datastore to esx_addoninventory and esx_addonaccountdata? help would be appreciated.

That is in the post, test to read and you will find it.

No one sharing it fully on the /switch. Because it make lots of problem with not saving location, skin and items.