[Release][ESX] [Jobs]

that means the resource.lua doesn’t exist or something in the script itself is wrong

If you have the file fxmanifest then rename it to __resource

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Got the jobs to work(kinda?) they’re in there atleast… but how do i get them to show up at the job centre?

Thanks Thomas :slight_smile:

Yes, same issue…


Hello guys, i got everything working nicely, but there is one thing messing with me, when i go to the spot to take the vest to work in fueler it don’t change the vest…

how do i cange how much fulers sell fuel for?

Just Alt+F4

do u know why it says couldnt start the resource “esx_jobs” even tho i have written “start esx_jobs” and importet into my es_extended data base

You tried the following line
Forgive my English, I speak Spanish

TaskStartScenarioInPlace(PlayerPedId(), “world_human_stand_fishing”, 0, true)

Anyone who has been able to add animations to different jobs?

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I just add numbers to each zone 1,2,3, etc., now I can add to each of them what I want…

	CuttedWood = {
		Pos = {x = -552.10, y = 5328.27, z = 72.59},
		Size = {x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 1.0},
		Color = {r = 38, g = 247, b = 16},
		Marker = 1,
		Blip = true,
		Name = _U("lj_cutwood"),
		Type = "work1",			--		<-------------
		Item = {
				name = _U("lj_cutwood"),
				db_name = "cutted_wood",
				time = 5000,
				max = 20,
				add = 1,
				remove = 1,
				requires = "wood",
				requires_name = _U("lj_wood"),
				drop = 100
		Hint = _U("lj_cutwood_button")

	Planks = {
		Pos = {x = -505.20, y = 5279.08, z = 79.61},
		Size = {x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 1.0},
		Color = {r = 38, g = 247, b = 16},
		Marker = 1,
		Blip = true,
		Name = _U("lj_board"),
		Type = "work2",           --  <-------- 
		Item = {
				name = _U("lj_planks"),
				db_name = "packaged_plank",
				time = 4000,
				max = 100,
				add = 5,
				remove = 1,
				requires = "cutted_wood",
				requires_name = _U("lj_cutwood"),
				drop = 100
		Hint = _U("lj_pick_boards")

…here gives a preview

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anyone know how to get rid of the deposit required for the different jobs, ?

Hi everyone. I want a found a solution. When I put the work of lumberjack for example: I can’t open the inventory of the car because is not mine. How can i allow the players to open inventory car if is a ‘rent car’ ?

please share your esx_jobs to me,
because mine have some bugs now.
that’s blip sometimes not work.

you dont have esx_extended 1.2 you need this for esx_jobs

Here’s my fixed version. 10 days later. You probably fixed it by now… hopefully… anyway for those who struggle to fix it. Also now it is compatible with LegacyFuel System. Vehicle will start a 100 :smiley:


Im struggling with an exploit right now. People can run in and out of the markers and trigger spam “E” to gather much much faster… is there any possible fix for that?

putting a check on wheter the menu is open, adding a cooldown, many ways to prevent this.

There is no menu with esx_jobs. Adding a cooldown doesnt work, cause as soon as you leave the marker the state of work is basically on “not working” and you can run in to trigger it again. I have an cooldown already, it just doesnt work in this case. I’d use animations but i dont know how to get them in the code, as im no coder and my developers dont have time since months. Im kinda sitting here and trying to fix stuff while not knowing what im doing lol :X