[Release][ESX] [Jobs]

It seems as if its a error from a different esx script, and also it says “Table ‘essentialmode.whitelist’” so making a colum in jobs will not help.
I might have found a script that might help, here’s the link

sorry about that i deactivated the whitelist mod…
for now the error code when i try to get a job is:

[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE whitelisted = false {=}”: Unknown column ‘whitelisted’ in ‘where clause’

but i used the command
and it created the colum called whitelisted
then i clicked on the thunder_icon and its working…
but that message still here… help me plz
why it doesnt work?

I cant find any solution on the forums, I would try to ask in the ESX Discord, sorry that I was not of help

well can you show me by picture how to correctly add the colum naed whitelisted… then ill see if i made a mistake :slight_smile:

I might have found a solution.
Can you send me a picture of what your jobs Table looks like?

This post might help you, Whitelist ESX jobs

cant import the .SQL . my only option is to import CSV file

i dont importe a file… i run it…
go to your database then file/ run sql script … it will be imported in the database :slight_smile:

thanks man it really helped me :slight_smile:

Hello, Where can i find all jobs…what i have in job center… i need whitelist some jobs

Hi, i just install esx_jobs and i cant see the blip and marker. i cant really see any problems in console so i have no idea how i can fix it


Same problem here :confused:

Stasiek i found solution install esx_joblisting it worked for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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I already have it :confused:

what map are u using? this looks really cool map!

Make sure to actually start the job listing resource in your config, and start it before all your jobs. Also remember to run the SQL script included in the job listing folder, and then whitelist the jobs you want to see at the job centre. Send me a PM if you still won’t get it to work :slight_smile:

Could not find dependency esx_skin for resource esx_jobs.
^3Couldn’t start resource esx_jobs.^7

Make sure you have it listed in your server.cfg file as Start esx_jobs

For some reason I cannot get job vehicles to spawn with esx_jobs. The error reads

“Failed to execute thread: client/main.lua:297 attempt to index a nil value”

this is the latest version straight from the github. anyone have any idea how I can fix this?

This can be cheated easily with cheat engine.
When a server side version will be implemented?