[RELEASE] esx_jb_trailer

Hey! I am having an error in the script at line 148. This is for the boat trailer. When I walk into the circle it breaks the script and gives the error above. when I go to the script I think I see the issue but I do not know how to fix it. Any ideas?


@Jager_Bom I found out the issue causing that error. This is the new error

It says line 15 for Fr and 20 for En but that is the end lines for both files, any ideas?

you didn’t install correctly esx as i can see from the errors …

Why would this script solely depend on ESX is what I dont get.

I am getting the same error as ‘that one guy’ (Line 148).

Any workaround?

You can change the location in the files

Hello where do i find the boat trailer?

Can you show the error ?
you could also remove translations and translate the directly into the script itself :slight_smile:

What do you mean?

La verdad que excelente, mas para aquel que entiende algo y puede modificarlo a su gusto lo cual abre muchas posibilidades. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo, se valora mucho.
Junto a este Scrip estoy utilizando el del Forklift el cual modifique para que use de vehiculo al Handler, sume el scrip de TrainSportation lo cual con el Handler puedes subir los vehiculos al tren, y este script es la via perfecta para transportar vehiculos.Estoy armando un scrip de trafico de autos con el concesesionario y a su vez me gustaria hacer uno de construccion despawneando y spawneando objetos una vez que uno realize cietas tareas utilizando los vehiculos como el “Bulldozer”, “Mixer”, etc.

Only 29 likes? u deserv all the likes, excelent job man!!!

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haha thx :slight_smile:

i don’t understand anything mate, english plz …

Hello everyone need to know how to add a tow car meaning i want to grab a sandking and tow the boat trailer/trailersmall behind it. is that possible please ? if you guys can just point me in the direction on the vehiclemeta

what do i add here as i have try this

< trailersmall />
< trailers </trailersmall />
< trailers trailersmall />

none of that works

jager i swear i installed the script right on the server but when i try to use the huge 6 car trailer the script breaks help please

Whenever I start the script it says:
Error loading script config.lua in resource esx_jb_trailer-master: @esx_jb_trailer-master/config.lua:369: table index is nil
start traceback:
@esx_jb_trailer-master/config.lua:369: in main chunk

(Open the Image in new tab to see it)

I am having similar issues. I had the script in my old server then the SSD Died, I am working on a new one and this is the issue I am running into.

@jager_bom I was able to install it on my last non esx server. If I find out what I did as a work around, I will post it here.

Line 148. when this happened last time I needed to change the tow vehicle, but now, I am using a stock vehicle and still having an issue.

hey i have a problem it keeps coming up with an error
trailerclientmain.lue:100: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘_U’)
can i have hellp

There is no tow option … how can I fix it?

i try to tow vehicle on packer trailer, but i can only attach Adder, every single other vehicle not working, script saying “sorry you cannot attach this vehicle”