[Release][ESX] Inventory HUD - 2.4 (properties, trunks, players, shops, storages ...)

fix it in cfg file. set cash to false

i cant drop weapons on 1.2 final

Hello and I looked through the discussion and have been seeing an issue pop up but have yet to find a solution. I am not getting any errors but my trunk will open stay for a split second and close, then the inventory will keep closing. I can get the inventory working again after putting the vehicle up, but the trunks stay unable to function on every vehicle for myself until I force restart the resource. (I am also using the newest releases of esx_inventoryhud and esx_inventoryhud_trunk. I have given up on getting esx_inventoryhud_glovebox working)

i can’t close it

Work with legacy ?

disable F2 inventory there will be an option in the script to do it

i have the same problem ,but it happens only on long trunks

Seems to work great. The only issue that I am having is with the shop integration. Everything works except you whatever quantity you want but times 3. So you buy 1 but get 3, you buy 2 but get 6, etc, etc. Not sure if it’s the inventory hud or an issue with ESX shops.

Hey man could you help me out! I see my cash twice one with picture that i cant drop and one without. picture that i can drop

Hey, i’ve been reading the wiki and confused about how to use it with job inventory.
what i wanted to do is to use inventoryhud for mechanic job/police or ambulance, but i dont understand where to put this:
“TriggerEvent(“esx_inventoryhud:openStorageInventory”, “society_ambulance”)”

Can anyone help me with this?

That’s it, hope to help you. This is an example of esx_policejob

function OpenArmoryMenu(station)
	local elements = {
		{label = _U('buy_weapons'), value = 'buy_weapons'}

	if Config.EnableArmoryManagement then
		table.insert(elements, {label = _U('get_weapon'),     value = 'get_weapon'})
		table.insert(elements, {label = _U('put_weapon'),     value = 'put_weapon'})
		--table.insert(elements, {label = _U('remove_object'),  value = 'get_stock'})
		--table.insert(elements, {label = _U('deposit_object'), value = 'put_stock'})
		table.insert(elements, {label = _U('police_stock'), value = 'police_stock'})  --new

	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'armory', {
			title    = _U('armory'),
			align    = 'top-left',
			elements = elements
		}, function(data, menu)

			if data.current.value == 'get_weapon' then
			elseif data.current.value == 'put_weapon' then
			elseif data.current.value == 'buy_weapons' then
			--[[elseif data.current.value == 'put_stock' then
			elseif data.current.value == 'get_stock' then
			elseif data.current.value == "police_stock" then  --new
				TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openStorageInventory", "society_police")

		end, function(data, menu)

			CurrentAction     = 'menu_armory'
			CurrentActionMsg  = _U('open_armory')
			CurrentActionData = {station = station}
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Thank you very much!

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Hi! It would be a problem that when I put an item in the inventory store I can’t take it out. (SCRIP ERROR: @ esx_inventoryhud / server / storage.lua: 66: attempt to compare nil with number) This error does not occur with weapons.

check your sourceItem. Maybe your sourceItem is nil, then can’t get the number of sourceItem

I used to have inventory HUD and icons were loading without adding them to the _resource.lua. Is there a way to set the script to load everything from the “html/img/items/” folder?

Sorry if this is already answered, couldn’t find it myself. Thanks in advance.

Hello. I want to ask for help. How can I set it to show in my inventory, for example: bread 1/5, all for weight-based extended?

Currently doesn’t work for ESX Legacy items do not show, the reason I believe this is happening is due to the version of esx I am using. default inventory for me then :rofl: tired several other inventories and they were causing several issues.

samething for me very bored!m

same have you found a fix for it not closing or working

I can open the inventory but I can’t close it can anyone help?