[Release] ESX - Food Water Drunk status bars under mini map! ( ESX ONLY )

go to app.js on html status folder and try comment render status function for #3

Same think here :C

So my issue on this was it originally worked, but now my thirst bar isn’t even showing and capacity to it, and the hunger bar is in the middle is there any way to fix this?

If fixed it :smiley:
I just changed smth in the .js file

I tried that, but mine isn’t working for some reason, what is your .js file that you currently use, maybe I did it wrong.

Well it’s a great job :smiley:
I’like and i have custom your script

But how can hidden the bars when i’m in the pause menu or else??

Some like this ? [This is a exemple of esx_status]

  while true do
    if IsPauseMenuActive() and not isPaused then
      isPaused = true
     	TriggerEvent('esx_fwd_ui:setDisplay', 0.0)
    elseif not IsPauseMenuActive() and isPaused then
      isPaused = false 
     	TriggerEvent('esx_fwd_ui:setDisplay', 0.5)

But i can’t work with JavaScipt :sweat_smile:
[I’m a noob for this code]

What I meant was there is no high meter. There’s only drunk, food, and water. Normally drunk and high are two different bars leaving a total of four bars with all status’ being tracked.

i have the them problem you have solution ?

I have a problem, the stress bar (drunk) does not increase or decrease, I have followed all the steps and I have deactivated the optionalneeds drunk status, food and drink works, but that of stress does not, and I would like know if someone has found a solution for that, since the effect of stress does show me on the screen but does not move the bar
pd: I have followed all the steps and I cannot find the solution and I have even tried to modify it but I cannot achieve how to make the stress measured in that bar

Hi, I have problem with the hunger and drunk bar they have swap look

when i can patch this and in local (windows) i dont have this problem and on my VPS (linux) i have the problem i dont understand

Thank you!!

I have the same problem! Works fine on windows but its swapped on linux! Did u find a fix?

You could just edit the ui.html file and switch the positions of the bars

its showing dislocated how can i fix it

the food is always empty, idk why!

so ive repeated this 10 times now and the bars are not correct. food is blue, water is purple, drunk doesnt work. how do I fix this???

go in and out of menu screen. it isnt a problem with the script. it happens when you go into windowed mode by pressing Lalt + enter

so it does that when your in windowed mode? wonder why

yeah some people arent in windowed mode and there is no change

does not work