[Release] [ESX] ESX_CommunityService

anyway to make it so mods can also comserv not just admin

In the server/main.lua on line 6 and 18 change ‘admin’ to ‘mod’

THANKS! Would you also know how to make discord logs for everytime someone comservs

for me it says comserv is not a command

same find a fix?

It’s quite easy, Tazio has made the tutorial about it

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Hi, this works for extended v1 final? because if i put some person in the comunitary services then i cant release of that

Anyone find a fix for commands /comserv and /endcomserv not working?


how to change community service location? last time I change, and I test it, it appear “Script Error”

it dont work for me and the rescource gets started what else do i need to be doing

This resource is 100 % working on esx v1 final. If your having issues you may need to update ESX or your installing it incorrectly. Only issue is with PD being able to give coms through there menus, I can get “Community Service” to be a option in the PD menu but when you are next to the player you want to Comserv nothing happens. When your not near anyone it give you the notification you need to be next to the person you want to comserv. Cant figure this PD part out.

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Hello is there a way to remove the comserv for all online players at the same time.
You know when moder sends everyone to comserv , you wanna get rid of all the cleaners.

How do you make the RP name show instead of steam name?

v1.2 is work ?

Did u got any solition for it?

because the commands are for old bases

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hello command not work with me what can i do ?

main.lua (5.4 KB)
guys if you are using esx final v1 replace the main lua in the server folder with this one

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What about if player reconnect he doesnt have community service anymore?

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