[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

I can’t upload it into MySQL

dont have billing or invoice? how can i add billing menu?

Hi, can I ask you how do you mean change everywhere? I have the same problem like Fazy_Slay. Do you mean change the name of column in database table or somewhere in code?

Thx for reply

Hi there. I am having trouble with the distress signal.
I am using gcphone and when a distress signal is sent out, EMS get the text, but when they try to use ‘Enter’ on the message for the GPS co-ordinates, all they can do is send an SMS to the number that sent the call. Normal GPS sends to another contact work fine.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Hi guys, i want to know how can i remove the buy and storage option and only have spawn option.

Hello , i got an bug , when someone lies down , and then he leaves the area of ambulance when i press E again im getting teleport again in the bed. Any fix?

Would anyone be able to help me with making it so when dead they go into a animation plz.

Anyone know how to put billing/invoice and how to enable blip jobs

Changed locations from Central to Pillbox, but none of the markers are showing up. I do have an error that points to Line 253 of the server/main.lua which is

ESX.RegisterCommand(‘revive’, ‘admin’, function(xPlayer, args, showError)
end, true, {help = _U(‘revive_help’), validate = true, arguments = {
{name = ‘playerId’, help = ‘The player id’, type = ‘player’}

Any help?

Try this

TriggerEvent(‘es:addGroupCommand’, ‘revive’, ‘admin’, function(source, args, user)
if args[1] ~= nil then
if GetPlayerName(tonumber(args[1])) ~= nil then
print(‘esx_ambulancejob: ’ … GetPlayerName(source) … ’ is reviving a player!’)
TriggerClientEvent(‘esx_ambulancejob:revive’, tonumber(args[1]))
TriggerClientEvent(‘esx_ambulancejob:revive’, source)
end, function(source, args, user)
TriggerClientEvent(‘chat:addMessage’, source, { args = { ‘^1SYSTEM’, ‘Insufficient Permissions.’ } })
end, { help = _U(‘revive_help’), params = { { name = ‘id’ } } })

hello is there any chance that i can put prices on the medkit and bandages?

Hello everyone
I have a problem with my cars, when i get in a car i cant get out. How can i fix ?

Hey, i want to have a option that people can go in/out service.
How can i do that?

thx :wink:

Anyone know a fix for infinite use of bandage? Used 1 bandage but it doesn’t disappear in inventory. No errors as well.

Work 100% Good code

1 Like

Distress signal doesnt work for me. Nobody gets a message when a distress signal is sent

I have a problem that when the player dies and then the time has come to respawn, he respawns, but not at the location where I set ( the hospital ) instead of that he respawns right where he died.

I am trying to add the vehicle spawn points to the Sandy Shores Medical Center.
I also want to add the pharmacy and locker room.
I added the following to the config file.
The Blips for both hospitals show, but nothing else

Config.Hospitals = {
SandyShoresMedicalCenter = {

	Blip = {
		coords = vector3(1833.71, 3679.80, 10.76),
		sprite = 61,
		scale  = 1.2,
		color  = 2
	AmbulanceActions = {
		vector3(1309.0, 3668.65, 33.48)
	Pharmacies ={
		vector3(1301.54, 3671.47, 33.48)
	Vehicles = {
			Spawner = vector3(1843.84, 3646.68, 33.84),
			InsideShop = vector3(446.7, -1355.6, 43.5),
			Marker = { type = 36, x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0, r = 100, g = 50, b = 200, a = 100, rotate = true },
			SpawnPoints = {
				{ coords = vector3(1843.84, 3646.68, 33.84), heading = 25.59, radius = 4.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(1853.94, 3652.22, 33.74), heading = 25.59, radius = 4.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(1863.77, 3658.91, 33.56), heading = 25.59, radius = 6.0 }

CentralLosSantos = {

	Blip = {
		coords = vector3(307.7, -1433.4, 28.9),
		sprite = 61,
		scale  = 1.2,
		color  = 2

	AmbulanceActions = {
		vector3(270.5, -1363.0, 23.5)

	Pharmacies = {
		vector3(230.1, -1366.1, 38.5)

	Vehicles = {
			Spawner = vector3(307.7, -1433.4, 30.0),
			InsideShop = vector3(446.7, -1355.6, 43.5),
			Marker = {type = 36, x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0, r = 100, g = 50, b = 200, a = 100, rotate = true},
			SpawnPoints = {
				{coords = vector3(297.2, -1429.5, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 4.0},
				{coords = vector3(294.0, -1433.1, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 4.0},
				{coords = vector3(309.4, -1442.5, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 6.0}

	Helicopters = {
			Spawner = vector3(317.5, -1449.5, 46.5),
			InsideShop = vector3(305.6, -1419.7, 41.5),
			Marker = {type = 34, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5, r = 100, g = 150, b = 150, a = 100, rotate = true},
			SpawnPoints = {
				{coords = vector3(313.5, -1465.1, 46.5), heading = 142.7, radius = 10.0},
				{coords = vector3(299.5, -1453.2, 46.5), heading = 142.7, radius = 10.0}

	FastTravels = {
			From = vector3(294.7, -1448.1, 29.0),
			To = {coords = vector3(272.8, -1358.8, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

			From = vector3(275.3, -1361, 23.5),
			To = {coords = vector3(295.8, -1446.5, 28.9), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

			From = vector3(247.3, -1371.5, 23.5),
			To = {coords = vector3(333.1, -1434.9, 45.5), heading = 138.6},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

			From = vector3(335.5, -1432.0, 45.50),
			To = {coords = vector3(249.1, -1369.6, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

			From = vector3(234.5, -1373.7, 20.9),
			To = {coords = vector3(320.9, -1478.6, 28.8), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

			From = vector3(317.9, -1476.1, 28.9),
			To = {coords = vector3(238.6, -1368.4, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}

	FastTravelsPrompt = {
			From = vector3(237.4, -1373.8, 26.0),
			To = {coords = vector3(251.9, -1363.3, 38.5), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false},
			Prompt = _U('fast_travel')

			From = vector3(256.5, -1357.7, 36.0),
			To = {coords = vector3(235.4, -1372.8, 26.3), heading = 0.0},
			Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false},
			Prompt = _U('fast_travel')



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