[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

combatlog enabled? if yes, turn it off (just a quick tip not a solution if you dont want them to combatlog) hope it works

/carry command could help

am i the only one who cant send a message to the medic when im dead?

in general there is no key i could press to get help or respawn.

hello, first, sorry for my bad english ^^’
i like buying system in ambulancejob, and i want add this sistem in other job, thats is possible ? or if wee have a topic for my question ?

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When i try to revive someone i am doing the animation and everything but he dont get revived help

Try this

When a player sends a distress signal, the location isn’t to where they are at, instead it sends EMS to the same spot in the city every time. I’m using esx_phone.

what does player management do? i cant find out how to even access it and im the chief and it is also enabled

Did you find out how I am having the same problem?

Ok I am trying to put in invoice/bill for ems this is what I have Where do I mess up

elseif data.current.value == ‘billing’ then

                    ESX.UI.Menu.Open('dialog', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'billing', {
                        title = _U('invoice_amount')
                    }, function(data, menu)
                        local amount = tonumber(data.value)

                        if amount == nil or amount < 0 then
                            local closestPlayer, closestDistance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()
                            if closestPlayer == -1 or closestDistance > 3.0 then
                                exports['mythic_notify']:DoCustomHudText('inform', _U('no_players_nearby'), 2500, { ['background-color'] = '#FF0000', ['color'] = '#ffffff' })
                                TriggerServerEvent('esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer), 'society_ambulance', _U('ambulance'), amount)
        end, function(data, menu)

end, function(data, menu)


did you find out how i would like to do this too

anyone know how to make it if you early re spawn it spawns you at the same location?

When ever a player dies on my server and sends a distress signal it wont ping ems or even show on the map, how can i fix it? (gc_phone)

just change the limit in to weight works for me

hey, how can i add invoices in the menu ?

In that case I would suggest you to looking documentation on esx_billing and not ask on ambulancejob…

I know
how to set


Hi guys i have one question . How do I make sure that when people are dead and when i press from the ambulance Menu “bring people” to bring all the dead players to the nearby perimeter ?

dude i cant import the esx jobs.sql file because it says me duplicate entry caution key primary can you help me

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