[Release] [ESX] [Drugs]

Is it possible to add a dealer for each drug in different locations

hello, when I try to go to the drug collection area, it appears to me so that I can press to pick it up but it doesn’t make me any option and when I go to the seller there is no npc, can someone help me

Can someone tell me how to add locations for the script and how to add the “drug” thing in the client folder!PLZ

use esx_allrounddealer, play with that and u get them to differend locations

i have this script. It wont allow me to pick drugs neither sell them at drug location it says “Player could not sell drugs”

did you fix it?

did you fix it? i have same problem

hi quick question so basically when i try putting in the sql it says something about weight anyone wanna help me out?

not yet :frowning:

So when i try to put in the SQL folder. I get this error: " #1044 - Access denied for user ‘zap538429-1’@’%’ to database ‘es_extended’ ". Am i not supose to be having the “es_extended” line in the notepad?

i have a problem. recently i installed the drugs but i have this 2 errors

i have installed all the requirments

how can i add blips i cant see them on the map ??? anyone help please

In your database, add a label called ‘limit’ in your items section.

Also, this esx_drugs DOES NOT allow you to sell anything but weed, there is nothing in the script that has anything to do with coke or opium, even the sql doesn’t load anything but weed into the DB.


I have a problem I can’t take cannabis plants

Can anyone help me?

Thank you.

how do i add opium to mine

When i want to put it in the database it says acces denied to user … to database es_extended?

thank you very much for this mod. i have a lil problem, when i want to preprocess the weed, the notification shows up but nothing happens. Do you know how can i fix it?
thx in advance :slight_smile:

Worked. Thanks!

pudiste solucionarlo ?