[Release] [ESX] [Drugs]

I’m not stupid, I simply asked if it would be useful at all for vRP. Not a horrible question.

I’ve personally not tested with vRP, sorry.

Could you send them to me please?

Does anyone know of which Essential mode version No Pixel is running?

could i have a copy too please

For anybody wanting blips on the map…
Inside of esx_drugs_cl.lua add this above
– Render markers

-- Create Blips
	for i=1, #Config.Map, 1 do
		local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Map[i].x, Config.Map[i].y, Config.Map[i].z)
		SetBlipSprite (blip, Config.Map[i].id)
		SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4)
		SetBlipColour (blip, Config.Map[i].color)
		SetBlipScale  (blip, Config.Map[i].scale)
		SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)



Then add this in config.lua under zones

Config.Map = {
  {name="Coke Farm",       color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=2145.9228515625,  y=4778.8076171875,  z=40.253701019287},
  {name="Coke Treatment",  color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-458.13967895508, y=-2278.6174316406, z=7.5158290863037},
  {name="Coke Sales",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-1756.1984863281, y=427.31674194336,  z=126.68292999268},
  {name="Meth Farm",       color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=1390.298828125,   y=3605.0217285156,  z=38.00956726074},
  {name="Meth Treatment",  color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-1147.4151611328, y=4940.0087890625,  z=221.00686645508},
  {name="Meth Sales",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-63.592178344727, y=-1224.0709228516, z=27.768648147583},
  {name="Opium Farm",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=1541.784790039,   y=6335.3999023438,  z=23.028722381592},
  {name="Opium Treatment", color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-7.26499023438,   y=519.51328125,     z=173.575107192994},
  {name="Opium Sales",     color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=2331.0881347656,  y=2570.2250976562,  z=46.681819915772},
  {name="Weed Farm",       color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=2217.125,         y=5577.5942382813,  z=52.961572647095},
  {name="Weed Treatment",  color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=29.061386108398,  y=3666.0380859375,  z=39.77326965332},
  {name="Weed Sales",      color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=-54.249694824219, y=-1443.3666992188, z=31.068626403809}

*Note: These are custom locations that I have changed. Make sure you change the x,y,z to match your locations.


thanks man, really appreciated!


I was just doing this last night haha thanks for releasing this!


The sql file doesn’t make their own table .items


I’m having a problem that I can’t pick up any of the drugs. I set the cop requirement to 0 on all but coke but when I got to the farms I wonder around the area but nothing pops up to say I pick them up.

Try this. I added Blips maybe you are at the wrong place, but without exception i cant help you.

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Make sure the coordinates for the drug farm are the same coordinates as the blip. In the config file there is a commented out line of code that says ‘Marker Color’ you can enable that again and it will show a green marker so you can tell there is actually a farm at the blip.

man I feel dumb checked the zones and blips were miles away so changed zone to same coords as blips and all good

I dont really find the NPC for weed sell, and I’m not allowed to TP around on this server! Can someone just tell me where it is or send a screenshot where it is!

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to add a new drug in ESX_Drugs?
I would like to add weapon traffic with point of harvest / processing / resale.
I do not know if that already exists because I can not find anything about it.

thank you very much in advance

I use a translator sorry for my English: D

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Could you send it to me aswell? Thanks

i will like to get them to

Dont runing.
Im on blips and im no have a marker

then u are at a wrong place the script works perfect. Check ur coords and try again.

I can not import the sql, is it mysql or couchDB?