[RELEASE] [ESX] Documents

It seems to me that this is caused by a broken link to the font, will someone tell you where these links came from?

Did a folder search in the downloaded resource and found both instances of it requesting data through http:// and not https://

This work, thx :slight_smile:

A lot of resmon with the update of db to check documents, how to fix?

I Have same problem
not specify an fx_version i can change it to cerulean but dont working have someone a solution?

 I am blocked after signing the document


Hello. I have a problem. If players rejoin the game, they will lose all of their saved documents.
It would be really nice if you could help me because I really want this script on my Server.
Thank you!

Check the database to make sure the documents are saved properly with the correct player ID then do some debugging print statements on the server event getPlayerDocuments and check to make sure that your document function is working correctly.

just make a PR on github that should fix your problem.

its just error at data base because at database from steam id 45 but its need 48
just copy paste this database
i find it a 8 hour for this problem
just copy this

CREATE TABLE user_documents (






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is there any script like this for QBus ?

script dont work , its not start

Hey guys I have the following problem: The form has my name on it, if I give the person a copy, like information etc. and when I sign it my name is displayed, if I leave the signature field blank and the person signs it, it still displays my signature, not the person’s signature. How to change this?

working for esx legacy?

Hi there. May I ask where can I put the code to create own document? tia

moin, sag mal wie ist denn das Triggerevent wenn ich docs ins Radialmenu einbauen möchte?

yea any have qbcore version ?


Hello! The Script is working, until I open an Document. I write in it and i close it. But when I close it im complete Stuck in the Menu when I press L. The only Notification appears is:

“Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://cfx-nui-esx_documents/html/form.html’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘http://esx_documents/form_close’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. (@esx_documents/html/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2)”

Can someone help me with it? I really need it :C

Screenshot → Only “error” appears

go to


$.post(‘http://esx_documents/form_close’, JSON.stringify({}));

$.post(‘http://esx_documents/form_submit’, json_string);


$.post(‘https://esx_documents/form_close’, JSON.stringify({}));

$.post(‘https://esx_documents/form_submit’, json_string);

Error wil be fixed