[RELEASE] [ESX] Documents

I downt know how to create an Document did someone knows?

same problem

The problem now . Saved document all gone when relog

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Documents doesnt save after relog or server restart why?

How I change the image?

html/img/seal.png Just replace that file (the same size and name)

Same issue , you fixed?

You fixed ?


hey whats all the problem? i can help

when player relog on server, documents are not saved

i’ve documents on DB , but when people relog documents disappear

wait me stream ill show you how to do thay

i also share some scripta for free even full scripta for supporters

are you asking me for money? …

huh? nope imdoing tutorials and i release it for free if you dont want to know how to make that its ok

i’m supporters… i’m Daniel

Hi! I solved your problem. You need edit esx_documents ->client.lua add this code part!

while true do

This is not the best solution but can be used as a hotfix.

Sorry for my english.

Enjoy :slight_smile:



Bro i love this script and on my server we are using this everyday its TOP and thanks so mutch for this.

i need it too, but nothing work :smiley: