[RELEASE] esx_contract (sell your vehicle to another player)

just one time?
can´t see something that says its my script which create this error ^^

[Release] esx-qalle-sellvehicles (sell used cars)

BUG , this script give to player more money .
Bug with changing plate in car .

it has only happen using this when i give the car to other players

Me and my staff tested it with 5 people every time we gave the car to another player this came up

This is a error happend through essentialmode. This has nothing to do with this resource and this resource should work still fine with this Error.

(This Error is from the last Essentialmode Update and nearly everyone has this Error)


i did not get this error until i added this and only get this when we give cars to each other
so this means something is conflicting within the code

we also tested it on our main server and get this same error

we have been using this [Release] [ESX] /transfervehicle (Simple script addon to transfer your vehicles) with no errors but @Heady20006 has good work and i liking using his work so i have added it to out server and we just get this error when we are half way into using contract if you like ill record me giving a car and getting this error to show proof i get it from using this

also everything works with no problems the other player gets the car and they can give it back but just get this half way into it so trying to find out why

For my server Qalle’s is a crap because it’s not working but this esx_contract is working goodly.

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this error cames up by nearly every resource, that get’s values from your databank. And it is NOT conflicting because of the code. @Heady20006 can’t fix it in his resource.
MySQL is not a resource from him and this causes that he can’t fix it at all.

Try some other resources that get’s values from MySQL. 90% of them will send the same error.

now take a :hamburger:

@Lara Please keep the conversation on the forums. Besides that, please talk English on the forums.


Gute Arbeit. Nehme an du bust deutscher aufgrund der deutschen Wörter in deinem Script. Aber wo kriege ich das item also den Vertrag her weil eigentlich können ihn sich ja nur admins geben oder man stellt ihn was dumm wäre in den einkaufsladen rein. Kannst du mir da helfen ?

Danke danke. Naja das kann sich halt jeder selbst überlegen wo man den Vertrag herbekommt. Ich hab zum Beispiel unseren 2 Autohändlern jeweils 1000 Stk. Ins Lager gelegt. Und jetzt können die Leute sich die Verträge bei denen kaufen

This is awesome, but for some reason I can not get it to appear in the item shop to be purchased. What could I do to solve this?

You have to put it in the “Shops” table in your database

I can now purchase them but when I try to use it says the plate number then nothing happens

Any errors in console?
Is the owner of the vehicle changed after it?


Are you using esx_vehicleshop?
In your DB is missing a column… ‘plate’ thats why nothing work

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Got it working, thanks for your assistance.

Pretty nice release, thanks for it!

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