[Release][ESX] carlock

Does this work with addon and job vehicles?

As long as it is in your owned_vehicles table it’ll work (so it won’t work with job vehicles)

What do you mean ?

unfortunate, like 10 lock scripts but only 1 considers job vehicles

Well, you have to edit your esx_jobs resource

i own the car but seem to be getting this error in console and saying in game i dont own car.

EDIT - disregard, had to start it under es_extended and its working

What would I need to change in there to allow job vehicles to be locked?

You need to change your esx jobs resource

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Is there a way to change the “lock” part to 4 so that you don’t break the window when you try to get into your own car?

Doesn’t work for some reason.

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Alright. I wasn’t clear. Everything is updated to the latest version and @mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua is also there. I just don’t know why it doesn’t load.

The issue seems to be with your async, not the carlock script

Have you got the latest esx version ?


I fixed esx_vehiclelock can’t lock emergency car, break a window!


Can this be made to work so that police cars that are spawned in can be locked by the job police


Thank you for the great script sir.

For job vehicles:

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('carlock:isVehicleOwnerSociety', function(source, cb, plate)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	local job = nil

	if xPlayer.job.name == 'legion' then
		job = 'legion'
		job = 'unemployed'

	MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT owner FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND plate = @plate', {
		['@owner'] = 'society:' .. job,
		['@plate'] = plate
	}, function(result)
		if result[1] then
			cb(result[1].owner == 'society:' .. job)

This works for every single job or just for one that you define there “legion”?

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Just add more if statements, for example:

if xPlayer.job.name == 'legion' then
		job = 'legion'
elseif xPlayer.job.name == 'paramedic'
		job = 'paramedic'
        job = 'unemployed'
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