[Release] [ESX] 99kr-burglary

Just add an “id” row… import the same .sql … most my items will have id “0” dont give a shit for now, no one using ids… beside the one added by the sql. Peace!

I will send a code here tommorow for gcphone

Anyone has got the instance script work with this ?
If we rob the house it’s over until we reboot the server ? there is no timer to reset everything

How can i add an "id Row?

TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_addons_gcphone:startCall’, ‘police’, burglaryDetected … ’ ’ … house … '. ’ … sentPhoto, { x = v.pos.x, y = v.pos.y, z = v.pos.z })


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were can i get more inside coords for houses i cant use always de same coords

inside = { x = 346.52 , y = -1013.19 , z = -99.2, h = 357.81 }, // this is the default

this is my new location but i dont have a coord for inside can anyone help?

 ["Geto"] = {
        pos = { x = 75.47, y = -1969.97, z = 21.13, h = 321.3 },  -- door coords
        locked = true,
        inside = { x = 346.5 , y = -1013.1, z = -99.2, h = -99.15 },  -- Inside the house coords
        animPos = { x = 75.47, y = -1969.97, z = 21.13, h = 321.3 },  -- The animation position

hello, thanks for the awesome script, I have made extra furniture that can be searched, but it is giving random items no matter what you search into.

is there a way to make it give specific items depending on what thing you a searching in?
like I want to make the jewelry store robbable but sometimes it is giving toothpaste etc when I want it to be necklaces and rings etc only. thanks

I made some changes to the SQL script to make it work for me since it kept returning errors when I attempted to import it (same idea as the one in this mod but I think it may be a different syntax because it is a different version). You will have to change “essentialmode” for whatever your database name is. As ridiculous as this sounds I manually put the values in SQL Workbench (a GUI program for SQL management). Instead of applying the changes from the GUI, I just pasted the commands in a terminal to test if it would work and it did.

NOTE: back up the original burglary.sql file and then make a new file named burglary.sql, pasting the contents of the code block inside the file.

INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('coke_pouch', 'Pouch of coke', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('saffron', 'Saffron', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('speaker', 'Speaker', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('laptop', 'Laptop', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('book', 'Book', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('coupon', 'Coupon', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('toothpaste', 'Toothpaste', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('lotteryticket', 'Lottery Ticket', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('shirt', 'Shirt', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('pants', 'Pants', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('hat', 'Hat', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('shoes', 'Shoes', '-1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items` (`name`, `label`, `limit`, `rare`, `can_remove`) VALUES ('lockpick', 'Lockpick', '-1', '0', '1');

Hopefully this comes in handy for someone else :smiley:

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Anyone know how to just use lottery tickets instead??

hey i need help, that a super script but I can’t get the script to run for the phone (send the message to the police) could you help me?

have a link to the modified one? and what changes were made to it?

By found it, I meant I figured it out manually through trial and error (edited the original message to avoid further confusion for others). The changes are in my message, there’s no link to the files, I just fixed the syntax of the SQL file you are supposed to import because it was not properly structured and would error every time I attempted to import it. Just simply copy and paste from the code block into the sql file and overwrite it (make a copy to be safe of the original as always).

How do I make exit and search visible only after pick locked the house?

where to sell things.
Could anyone help me please

can u elaborate on this local variable thing for exit coords

Anyone make it work with gcphone?

just change the event?

nvm i fixed it thanks anyway great share

Anyway is there a way to “reload” the robbery? i mean when i get out of the house i want it be reloaded so let me start from the zero

you have to code it yourself :partying_face: