[Release] [EssentialMode] es_ui | EssentialModes UI component

I have the same issue, money doesnt display till add or remove same with bank.
Another issue is that there are no markers on the map.


access denied for command sets

I’m very new at this

anyone know how to fix this error when use F2 for inventory hud i canot see any itmes

I’m afraid this isn’t related to es_ui, maybe try to contact the developers of your used resources.

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its not easy to find dev.

There a way to make the UI not show all the time? I want to make it show only when a player has money added to their cash or money is taken out of their cash. Is this possible? If so, please let me know the solution thanks so much!

Yes, of course!

Just edit the source code.

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Hey Kanersps,

Could you show me how to do this? Ever since I wrote that reply I’ve been trying to figure it out. I have a temporary solution which was this:

IN ui.html:
document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = "<div><font style='color: rgb(0, 125, 0); font-weight: 700; margin-right: 6px;'>" + moneyIcon + "</font>"
This ---->
document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = "<div style='visibility: hidden;'><font style='color: rgb(0, 125, 0); font-weight: 700; margin-right: 6px;'>" + moneyIcon + "</font>" + addCommas(item.money);

This temporary fix just disables the cash UI from showing up, meaning only shows the amount that gets added to your cash or subtracted. I want to make it so that when the player gets the money it shows how much they get but also shows the current money update to the new number. I also was trying to figure out how to make a /cash command so that when I do /cash the cash UI would pop up displaying how much you have on you. Please if you can help me let me know! Thanks!

Maybe learning a bit of javascript can help you with that.

This link could help: https://www.w3schools.com/js/

Thats the thing, I dont know JS code which is why I posted here for help. Could you provide me some examples? Thanks a lot!

I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s how the community should work. I’m fine pointing you in the right direction, but an example for this is already too much “help”.

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Ive been looking at the code since my first reply, I just dont understand it ive tried many different things but nothing was 100% what I wanted, I got the solution like 50% there but the other half I have no Idea how to make the visibility able to be triggered or changed without disabling the whole UI. The event

TriggerEvent('es:setMoneyDisplay', 0.0)

makes the whole UI disabled so meaning none of it works until its triggered again with the value 1.0. If you could point me in the right direction that would be cool, I just need some assistance and I feel I could get this working as intended! Thanks again for the reply.

Use: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_settimeout.asp

And listen for the event to either display or not

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Which example from that site would I use in my case? Also, would I be putting this in the ui.html file? Is there anything I have to do to the client.lua file? Would I set the setTimeout like the ones that are already in the ui.html file? Thanks for the help thus far!

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Yeah, from those questions I can tell that you won’t figure this out without a complete example. I advise you to just learn Lua & Javascript

I can probably figure it out, however since I have no idea where to begin a link for ‘Help’ doesn’t really help me I still dont understand what you even said to do. I dont need an exact example but something to put me more in the direction of what needs to be done would be more helpful then just saying ‘Go learn JS from scratch’ Can you provide more help? I get that for some reason you dont want to show me an example, but can you at least put more effort into helping me other then ‘Just learn JS’

If anyone else sees this thread, and can respond with a better answer then ‘Go learn JS’ I’d appreciate that, Im trying to learn JS and its tough when your just beginning. So I need someone to guide me to the solution this way I wont have to ask questions for other resources that need JS to work. Thanks.

SO ive done this and it fades out the main cash UI, however it starts on display when you first load in and then when its fades out for the first time it breaks. I then get an error in console "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘innerHTML’ of null (@es_ui/ui.html:37) What am I doing wrong here?

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