problem with es_admin i cant use /pos i have error
Probably as /pos saves to a file and it may be that it was using something that NeoLua offered.
ok my bad in the chat its write and in the console
So? That doesn’t change a thing.
you now how to fix this ?
I’m having trouble resolving this error:
Resources\ScriptEnvironment.cs(466): Error: ScriptEnvironment::DoInitFile: Error creating script environment for resource essentialmode: Can not call nil value.
Resources\ScriptEnvironment.cs(643): Error: Exception::PrintLuaStackTrace: at [U] Callsite.Target(Callsite,Object,Object,Object)
Resources\ScriptEnvironment.cs(643): Error: Exception::PrintLuaStackTrace: at [U] System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3(Callsite site, T0 arg0,T1 arg1,T2 arg2)
Resources\ScriptEnvironment.cs(643): Error: Exception::PrintLuaStackTrace: at [L] config(LuaTable _G) line config.lua:6:1
Resources\Resource.cs(192): Info: Resource::Start: Started resource essentialmode.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
How to use only Mysql Async with ES4 Fxserver release ?
You don’t, neither do I think I’ll add a mysql driver ever.
I get this error when starting the server. How can I fix it? unknown error detected (201): {“ok”:true}
It’s fine, should only pop up once
I relaunched and it was fine. Thanks.
Is ES_admin suppose to be making an entry in my couchdb bc when i go and look theres only essentials in ther
Of course not, it isn’t saving any additional data.
Alright cool. Thanks kanersps. is there a way to see who is on the server i tried pressing z and up arrow but nothing shows up
So heres the deal, i added essentialmode and es admin to my FXServer, and joined the game. and i looked into CouchDB and it works and add bytes and adds users info into the database. yet when im in game and do /admin nothing happens, and note this is on FXServer, anything would help thank you!!!
You didn’t nearly give me the info that’s needed.
Describe it.
I have been patiently waiting and browsing FiveM Forums as well as Kanersps Discord and I haven’t found anyone that has posted a solution to the problem a handful of people have been having.
When I try to execute a transaction by withdrawing or depositing money in my bank, I get an error in the console.
It also seems that when I execute part of a command like “/goto” but without the ID of a player, an error is thrown as well, but it should throw something along the lines of Usage. However I am not sure if that was not intended or not.
A fix for your bank issue was already posted by me ages ago. Find it yourself.
What do you mean i didnt give you info? i said. My couchDB is working, and its logging everyone information, and please note i am on a FXServer, so when i get in game none of the commands work, yet when i load the server it says essentials is working, no problems detected. yet it dont work
“describe it”
/admin and /car dont work…
“Don’t work”, that’s not a fucking description.
- Does it just send a chat message
- Does any command work at all, try: “/info”, that command comes with every essentialmode version