when i set up the db for resource.lua in essentialsmode i start it up and /admin doesnt exist even though i added it
On your screen, the admin resource is here …
It isn’t saying that the resource isn’t installed, but it can’t find the player with the ID you provided
rip is there anything i can do to fix this? im so new to this XD
kry i dont understand what u mean by not installed i did exactly what the videos said with couchdb
I never say that it isn’t installed, I said that the ID you provided isn’t correct
oh huh ok so what should i try with id cause the vid said 1 for player 1
No, the ID is the number next your name in game when you open the scoreboard
Maybe it doesn"t exists anymore, idk I haven’t use the latest version yet ^^
With EM 3 server normaly work, but if i install EM 4 (Beta) server send me this error.
i change config.lua (user:password)
My understanding is EM 4 is only for FXServer
Only for fxserver not citmp.
Removed in es4 beta 2
No as I want everyone to update. Redistributing it isn’t allowed either.
This is because it only works on FXServer (as he just said), you’re using CitiMP
How do i link essential mode with mysql database
You don’t
it doesnt work with my server as it is portforwarded
couchdb the link for the databse doesnt work either so ho do i fix it
some one can explain me how to fix this i tried different version of banking and essential mode and its dosen’t work at all its always write undefined for the bank