[Release] EssentialMode base

I have solved almost all the golbal ESX errors

It is simple we go to the line in question to mark the error.
esx_boatshop / client / main.lua: 45

what would it look like
ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
well we change it this way
PlayerData = xPlayer


It is valid for almost all the errors but some are a little more complex to put the solutions of each resource like me with this example of the esx_boatshop that is valid for almost all those who ahy

an example of some that are not solved so easily can be

i have this error https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/6HL4kpumL00Tl-MITkdol0sZulhZM9r4H0RnZuMVkQM/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/706302009124585532/748539134989303818/unknown.png

install async or change version

Hi why am i getting this error and everyone spawns as an NPC / PED?

can anyone help me with this error

I have this error, can anyone help me with this. Thanks

your page to check the version is down

my internet connection works perfectly

Check the “es_extended” folder. It should contain the file __resource.lua or better yet the fxmanifest.lua. If you open your es_extended folder and don’t have this, you should re-download the updated es_extended and reinstall it on your server.

Go resource es_extended and rename file




do i rename __resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua ? or rename fxmanifest to __resource

this is what is in my es_extended

your resource.lua is missing two leading signs __resource.lua

so where do u edit the money start

r u fixed?

How can I add more ranges such as support? Thank you

it is changed in essentialmode / server / util.lua line 14/15 @ToreyGTAMods

I do not see my money a I installed es_ui and still it did not solve, how do I solve it? Please help me, fast as u can.


no me carga

Is CouchDB necessary for EssentialMode ? Can i just phpmyadmin ?

You should be able to use any DB. I was using HeidiSQL with it.