[Release] EssentialMode base

Tried 5.0.3 on a new test server but kept getting “resource prevented connection”. Installing 5.0.2 resolved the error.

Where do I go to remove the UI “Bank” Money I want them only to be able to see their cash not the bank money.
I rather them go to the bank to see their bank money.

Try again


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How do I remove it grabbing their last location? I rather specify a spawn location everytime they load in the server… what file calls for their last location?

Is it normal when i ban someone from the es_admin2 , i don’t get the bans.txt ?

Does anyone know how to remove the callback event from displaying a message at all for an invalid command? So that it displays blank rather then a return saying it’s invalid.

EssentialMode 5.0.3

  • Proper connection checks, instead of checks happening when ingame
  • Removal of license as any sort of identifier for a user (Duplicates could exist)

As usual use the download link in the original post or use github.

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How do i remove the green dollar sign? i just want the numbers


L.96 : RegisterNetEvent(‘es:setMoneyIcon’)
AddEventHandler(‘es:setMoneyIcon’, function(i)
seticon = false,
icon = i

Hey so I got an error that is saying that Table ‘essentialmode.addon_account’ doesn’t exist

Im trying to add a job but it`s just poping up as an error and saying: Table ‘essentialmode.addon_account’ doesn’t exist.

Can someone help me thx.

Looks like an esx issue. Make sure to run all the sql queries from the esx addons

Thx but I fund the problem working now

would any body know how to change the money icon… to something like in this picture

Money Icon


By knowing how HTML works even slightly, might even move the entire UI component to a seperate resource in the future.

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Using local user = exports.essentialmode:getUser() as mentioned in the OP, but the console spits out “No such export getUser in resource essentialmode”. I would really appreciate help as this is the last piece of the puzzle for me right now.

i am currently getting this error every 5 minutes.
I am updated on 5.0.3, please help!


This only exists on the client. It’s for a client handle.

Is Essentialmode 5.0.3 out? Tried searcher for it on the essentialmode site and here and it only shows 5.0.2?

Download link is alwasy correct, just forgot to update the site, that download on there is still up to date though.

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I have the same issue
And the MYSQL errors are causing huge hitchwarnings and its all pointing to essentials but unsure what is the root cause