[Release][ES] Weapon Store [v1.1]

Here is a quick screen shot I caught


Here is the part of the script


possible to add a delay? not sure why this spams, but I had to change the message as it use to say" Here are your weapons"…


This message loops every 1-2 minutes

How many weapons do you have Oo When i spawn with 6 weapons, the message goes so fast that I only see the text when the last weapon is given…
But you must have a least 20 weapons ?

The problem with saving weapons to the DB is skins. When joining the server the player joins as a “default” skin. When they select the skin they usually play with the weapons disappear. We would need a way to save skins to the DB and load before the weapons do.

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TriggerClientEvent(“loadout:changeSkin”, player, skin)

if weapons then
    local delay = nil
    if skin ~= nil then
        delay = 2000 <-- modify delay to spawn weapon

I appreciate that but that’s not going to help in my situation.

Thanks for your mod, all works fine. Not shit no mess.

Some points :

I am really disappointed with the mark that disappears when we go away (not your fault, this is like that in vehshop mod)
In my opinion, just the sentence should appear/disappear but the marker should remain visible no matter the distance.
So if you want :

At line 210 just replace

if IsPlayerWantedLevelGreater(GetPlayerIndex(),0) == false and weashop.opened == false and IsPedInAnyVehicle(LocalPed(), true) == false and  GetDistanceBetweenCoords(b.pos.entering[1],b.pos.entering[2],b.pos.entering[3],GetEntityCoords(LocalPed())) < 2 then


if weashop.opened == false and IsPedInAnyVehicle(LocalPed(), true) == false and  GetDistanceBetweenCoords(b.pos.entering[1],b.pos.entering[2],b.pos.entering[3],GetEntityCoords(LocalPed())) < 2 then

Another thing not for you (cause not your fault again) but for all.

Here are the markers with the corrected z coordinate. It’s boring to see this mess floating in the air

local weashop_locations = {
{entering = {1692.379,3758.194,33.71}, inside = {1692.379,3758.194,33.71}, outside = {1692.379,3758.194,33.71}},
{entering = {252.915,-48.186,68.941}, inside = {252.915,-48.186,69.941}, outside = {252.915,-48.186,69.941}},
{entering = {844.352,-1033.517,27.094}, inside = {844.352,-1033.517,28.194}, outside = {844.352,-1033.517,28.194}},
{entering = {-331.487,6082.348,30.354}, inside = {-331.487,6082.348,31.454}, outside = {-331.487,6082.348,31.454}},
{entering = {-664.268,-935.479,20.729}, inside = {-664.268,-935.479,21.829}, outside = {-664.268,-935.479,21.829}},
{entering = {-1305.427,-392.428,35.595}, inside = {-1305.427,-392.428,36.695}, outside = {-1305.427,-392.428,36.695}},
{entering = {-1119.146,2697.061,17.454}, inside = {-1119.146,2697.061,18.554}, outside = {-1119.146,2697.061,18.554}},
{entering = {2569.978,294.472,107.634}, inside = {2569.978,294.472,108.734}, outside = {2569.978,294.472,108.734}},
{entering = {-3172.584,1085.858,19.738}, inside = {-3172.584,1085.858,20.838}, outside = {-3172.584,1085.858,20.838}},
{entering = {20.0430,-1106.469,28.697}, inside = {20.0430,-1106.469,29.797}, outside = {20.0430,-1106.469,29.797}},

I use es_freeroam with loadouts mod. When a player spawn, he gets a random skin after that, he gets his weapons. There is a delay of 2000. If that is not enough time to load the skin, then I have no idea. Maybe check the loadouts mod. There is some code that checks for skins…

My goal will be to save a lot more in the database. As you see with this mod, the palter can just logout and back in to get full ammo on all weapons.

I would not remove the entire condition… It also checks if the player is not in a car or bike, so yes you can remove the coordinates part.

Also for the z, just remove 1 and the markers will always be on the ground.

Great job Hoegarden31 !! People are never happy these days !

You must believe that if you do not, you will not have taken the time to answer me.,
The fact of always wanting more remains for me a way of showing his dissatisfaction

please somewone can tell me where is the ammunation

There is a “Grove street” behind the house of C.J

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thanks bro you are the best

Anyone making a clothing shop like this?

live marker on vehshop works perfect.

if vehshop.opened == false and IsPedInAnyVehicle(LocalPed(), true) == false and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(b.pos.entering[1],b.pos.entering[2],b.pos.entering[3],GetEntityCoords(LocalPed())) < 5 then

I forget who, but I think someone is on the projet :slight_smile: We have to be patient for those who don’t know really how to script :confused:

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Hey @hoegarden31 can you add the possibilitie to buy ammo because actually when you have no more ammo you need to buy a new weapon, isn’t it ?

salut je voudrais savoir ou faut il modifier le script pour qu ont perdent les armes quand on meurt svp

No released yet Arkuz.

There is some code where I check if it is the first time the player logs in. You can move the code to get weapons there. Then when he dies, no weapons are given

AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function(spawn)
if firstspawn == 0 then
	firstspawn = 1
TriggerServerEvent("weaponshop:playerSpawned", spawn)


AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function(spawn)
if firstspawn == 0 then
	firstspawn = 1
TriggerServerEvent("weaponshop:playerSpawned", spawn)

That should work.

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