[Release] erp_adminmenu | Modern admin menu

Have refresh ban console command?

Same to me, It does not open me either, I press the key or place the command, I get the mouse arrow but it does not open any window

What for?

How did you install?

I followed the instructions you posted

It didn’t work for me because I didn’t have onesync infinity

and how did you do? did you activate it in the txadmin?

I need to activate the txadmin for it to work?

No, no working for me

Installed it following instructions. Have the same issue as Raiber, the menu / ui wont open. No console errors or server errors.

I am also having this problem! I have set this up just now, and I love a lot of the features that come with it such as the commands that are functioning, but the menu will not show for anything! I press the key and I get a cursor, but nothing else appears.

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exactly, it does nothing


Hey so i jsut installed it and follow all the steps and menu its self wont show but the mouse cursor will
how ot fix?

It is a pretty strange thing, but when I install this admin menu plugin, I get automatically banned for reason: Cheating Type tpm, even though I’m the owner of the server. Any idea what could be wrong?

Thanks in advance

The player list will only show one player

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Hi i have a scripts there is giving my players static ID how do i change so the ID i see in the playerlist too be the static

i can’t find the place there that part is code in

sql file miissing and i stuck here

Fix ! good work

Am trying to change permissions but no edits seem to take effect to the resource

If i try to open the menu all i get is stuck with an mouse curser on my screen